View Full Version : using the mxt with the 6x10dd coil

03-11-2013, 06:41 PM
i am using the mxt with the 6x10dd coil what is the best way to set it for coin hunting in a place with lot's of pull tab's

03-12-2013, 06:13 AM
A simple answer often begins with another question. :rolleyes: Do you care about finding nickels, or not?

If not, then turn your dual control knob past nickels/pulltabs and go on enjoying life because there are no other coins located in that part of the VDI scale. However, and that's a critical however, the MXT won't notch... meaning you'll miss everything below that point (about +24) on the VDI scale. That's where all the high-carat gold jewelry resides. (If it's a solid +8, dig it. is good advice.)

I suggest leaving the discrimination (dual control knob) set between 3 & 4 to mask out iron (everything below VDI = 0) and just ignore that dreaded pulltab range (+18 to +24) if you're really opposed to digging pulltabs. However, (there's that dreaded however again :rolleyes: ) you're going to forego many valuable targets by doing so.

Without stealing your thread, I'll leave it there. If you'd like to discuss it sometime, send me a PM with your phone number and I'll call you this week. I'm in PDT, so tell me what time is best to call.

(BTW: You're using the absolute best coil that White's ever made for all-around hunting.)

03-15-2013, 11:35 PM
all of the gold wedding bands i have found have been in the nickle range, it's my favorite signal