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View Full Version : multi-purpose tool/tomahawk style

08-21-2013, 08:00 AM
I dug this 12 deep where settlement of Lexington occurred mid-1770's... same spot I found 1838o seated dime! Perhaps a blacksmith tool or for slicing & gutting animals (note the HOOK at the tip of handle). It's pretty heavy\durable- the hook is strong, pic doesn't do it justice... lol I am so curious what it is/makes me think of settlers learning from local N. Americans, that it prob dates back to colonial times... but a little small for weapon?

08-21-2013, 09:31 AM
I don't know what it is...it does look like some sort of hatchet....but it looks REALLY old...and really COOL :cool:...good find!

08-21-2013, 09:33 AM
:wow:That is such a cool relic! I would get back to that area maybe you can find more clues

08-21-2013, 09:50 AM
I don't know what it is...it does look like some sort of hatchet....but it looks REALLY old...and really COOL :cool:...good find!

Thanks Rob! I love your enthusiasm |:cheering: I am finally getting back to me and my passion :detecting: now that my boys are in school :happy:

It was a looooong summer lol But fun too. Logan just started Kindergarten & Bryce 2nd grade and... I got a job! I'm now Assistant Naturalist at a historical park, teaching kids K-5, my favorite ages! So anyway, I have a few whole days to hunt before starting my job.

:wow:That is such a cool relic! I would get back to that area maybe you can find more clues

Okay I will Todd- right now! lol

Thanks, I'm so excited about this find! The owner of the property is writing a book on the history of the church :cheesysmile: I try not to disclose my sites for all those lurkers out there :eyebrow: but actually I've been hunting this site for several yrs now and have found:

1838o seated dime
1865 2 center
1869 shield nickel
1888 & 1896 IH
did I say 1838o seated dime? lol
several early mercs
really neat old parking token
nice large horse rosette
lots of silver jewelry, buckles, bullets, buttons...

So yesterday I visited with the pastor and donated a display case with almost ALL of the items above! |:cheering: It felt really good to give esp since his next sermon is going to be about the book he's writing (history of church) and share these items with congregation. I plan to be there, can't wait to read his book!

Anyway, I hope this item ties into history- know what it is/approx. age etc...

08-21-2013, 07:03 PM
Don't quote me on this but I'm thinking it might be a hand-forged tobacco axe.

08-21-2013, 07:09 PM
Don't quote me on this but I'm thinking it might be a hand-forged tobacco axe.

bingo great id Skamaniac :perfect10:

definately a old hand forged tobacco harvesting axe , it could be colonial Tana

08-21-2013, 09:20 PM
bingo great id Skamaniac :perfect10:

definately a old hand forged tobacco harvesting axe , it could be colonial Tana

How do you think the hook was used? Thanks guys! Did you see the Diggers in Ky? They came here to Lexington & filmed @ Ky Horsepark, Henry Clay Estate & Camp Nelson |:cheering: I was hoping to invite them over for lunch and see my display cases lol

Kim McBride, archeologist here @ U.K. was on the show (also the Hatfield/McCoy episode) I'm planning to show her the items I donated to the church for more info for his book... she did extensive research on Native Am settlement where I found those revolutionary war soldier cufflinks (haven't found them online btw)

08-21-2013, 09:52 PM
How do you think the hook was used? Thanks guys!

:dontknow: no clue from me Tana , ask some of the old timer farmers they would probably know :yes:

09-14-2013, 08:14 AM
Tana. That looks like an older style tobacco knife. The blade at the end would have been about 4 inches long and there would of been a wooden T handle at the other end. They were also used to cut corn. Today most people cut tobacco with a tomahawk style knife. It's tobacco harvest time in your area. Stop by a field and talk to one of the gray haired guys bossing everyone around.

09-15-2013, 08:06 AM
Hi Tana,Might be whats left of a flap jack flipper or forged spatula
. The hooked end 4 hanging. Yazoo

09-15-2013, 08:11 AM
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m7-VTaB1_iXD6vlK-tkIF0g.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ebay.com/bhp/hearth-cooking&h=168&w=225&sz=9&tbnid=eH_TRvsWoGPxTM:&tbn h=88&tbnw=118&zoom=1&usg=__vWRAD7vt-rbu1zu6LLmaAS8kOas=&docid=AWCEIcQo8HuwEM&sa=X&ei=R rE1UomzEsiLqgG_54CQCQ&ved=0CGcQ9QEwEQ&dur=4596. pic at this site. Y

09-15-2013, 04:09 PM
Hi Tana,Might be whats left of a flap jack flipper or forged spatula
. The hooked end 4 hanging. Yazoo

|:cheering: I bet the hook is for hanging! But it's a bit smaller than I'd think for purpose of flippin' flap jacks... plus is pointed on the other side...