View Full Version : A couple of silver coins

10-10-2013, 06:20 PM
Haven't been out much since my amazing Monday. Friday I started out, got a little clad including a clam quarter and then it started to rain. I didn't know clad coins could peel apart like that. Tuesday I got out and just got a little bit of clad. Wednesday was my best day with a cheap watch, more clad, a couple of wheats and a silver quarter and dime. I didn't realize I had a silver Rosie until I got home and was looking at my finds more closely. Not use to finding dirty silver and the thing almost got by me. :embarrassed:

Thanks for looking and happy hunting.

10-10-2013, 06:23 PM
Good catch on the silver dime. You did much better than me, I actually had a silver quarter in my clad pile and did not know it until I went to clean up the clad, probably a month later.

:congrats: on your silvers and HH

10-10-2013, 06:24 PM
Nice looking watch and some silver is a great day. thumbsup01 I never seen a clad coin peel in that manner :dontknow: I would look that one over with a good magnifying lens to see how it happened. :thinkingabout:

10-10-2013, 07:12 PM
Nice digs! The clam quarter is cool. I've found them with the copper center melted out before, not sure how yours could have gotten the way it is though. Pretty neat one way or the other. I actually have a jar where I toss all my holed, clipped, mangled, flattened, and otherwise mutilated clad. They are fun to look at sometimes. I'm a compulsive collector I guess.

Anyway, congrats!

Tony Two-Cent
10-10-2013, 07:24 PM
No Silverless Drive Home Of Shame for you! |:cheering:

Congrats on the silver dime and quarter, Bob! What is your secret for finding silver quarters? You seem to do very well with them. :yes:

I bet that clam quarter was in a fire. I've never seen one like that.

10-11-2013, 07:31 AM
Great score on the silvers and nice old Seiko thumbsup01

10-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Good catch on the silver dime. You did much better than me, I actually had a silver quarter in my clad pile and did not know it until I went to clean up the clad, probably a month later.

:congrats: on your silvers and HH

That's very interesting about the quarter. I guess it's just not my feeble mind failing.

Nice looking watch and some silver is a great day. thumbsup01 I never seen a clad coin peel in that manner :dontknow: I would look that one over with a good magnifying lens to see how it happened. :thinkingabout:

Yes, fire is my best guess also although not sure why it popped open versus just having the copper melt out. The boys in the woods have too much time on their hands. lol

Nice digs! The clam quarter is cool. I've found them with the copper center melted out before, not sure how yours could have gotten the way it is though. Pretty neat one way or the other. I actually have a jar where I toss all my holed, clipped, mangled, flattened, and otherwise mutilated clad. They are fun to look at sometimes. I'm a compulsive collector I guess.

Anyway, congrats!

Actually, I was going to ask you what you did with your mutilated coins. I also didn't want to get rid of them. They're interesting if nothing else and fun to look at.

No Silverless Drive Home Of Shame for you! |:cheering:

Congrats on the silver dime and quarter, Bob! What is your secret for finding silver quarters? You seem to do very well with them. :yes:

I bet that clam quarter was in a fire. I've never seen one like that.

No secret on finding quarters. I have just been pounding sites that are out where the proverbial bear goes to take care of business. Wood hunting is a lot of hours of nothing and then suddenly I can hit a nice spot. The obvious spots here are detected to death but it appears there is still a little left in the woods. Thank heaven. :yes:

As always, thank you all for taking the time to read my post and comment on my finds.

Good hunting to all.

10-11-2013, 06:35 PM
Most times fire results in the surface bubbling with little bumps all over it. A very interesting coin...much better than a lawn mower mutilation lol

10-12-2013, 08:29 AM
Bob I don't think i've ever seen a quarter quite like that one :yes:, as George said its definately more interesting than a lawn mower abused one lol lol congrats on the rosie and the watch. |:cheering: