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View Full Version : One of those confounded heart stoppers.

05-13-2010, 07:32 PM
I was hunting in the woods a week ago getting a few coins here and there when I got a strong quarter signal. Maybe a silver say's I. I dug down about six inches and in the bottom of the hole I see something shiny and gold in color, and round. :shocked04:I'm thinking a gold coin :drool:. Until I got it out of the hold only to find its a gold plated religious dog tag. >:\ Oh well there for a split second I thought I thought I had found the mother load. It wasn't until I saw the ring on top that gave it away. :crying02:

05-13-2010, 07:54 PM
ah the old gold plated religeous dog tag huh. yup they'll fool ya every time . lol lol i definately can relate to how ya felt a few years ago i got a gold looking coin i dug at an old cellar site holy cow a gold coin i though :shocked04: :shocked04: only to realize it was a brass token that was gold plated crying01 crying01 what a let down .

05-13-2010, 09:21 PM
Either of those two would have had my heart pounding. lol

05-13-2010, 09:34 PM
Man am I glad I ain't you lol I would have cried :yes: What a let down when you finally figure out what it really is :ticked: Gimme that gold coin will ya? rofl Nice medal anyways. Never heard of a patron saint for animals. :confused:

05-14-2010, 10:39 PM
Oh man sorry about your luck :bangahead01: how dissappointing

That is awful sweet of someone to put that tag on their pet though lol I've never seen one before