View Full Version : Other hobbies

02-17-2014, 04:35 PM
I know we have had threads like this in the past but I wanted to start this one so some of the new members could tell us about their other interests. Everyone, please feel free to post you other addictions :lol: This one started for me when I was very young. I liked it so much that at 13 years old I walked into a stamp shop and asked for a job:hystericallaugh: They just looked at me like this:shocked01: But they kept me around to get coffee and to stuff mailing catalogs and sweep up. Naturally I got paid in stamps. :groovy: So when I got older I started to collect the best stamps that I could afford. But this is one hobby that you can still get sheets of stamps for 4-5 dollars. It is a great hobby.


02-17-2014, 05:07 PM
wow i didn't know there was 1.30 dollar or 2 dollar stamps :dontknow:

02-17-2014, 05:58 PM
It is interesting how the hobbies relate - I used to collect stamps as well. :) I never learned anything about them but I still have quite a few. Who knows - I may have one worth a zillion dollars. :lol: I doubt it though, since mainly I obtained them when I was a kid from those old magazine advertisements where you could send in a dollar and they would send you a small cellophane envelope with a bunch of old stamps in it. :)

My other 'obsession' would have to be coin collecting, although I don't know enough about that yet either.

02-17-2014, 06:19 PM
I have a few other hobbies then reading history books and metal detecting. I play chess and have competed in tournaments on and off for 15 years. I play on FICS under the handle NoHaRa. I enjoy wood working. I make boxes, 3D puzzles, Japanese style puzzle boxes, little stuff like that. I also enjoy working on clocks. Here are a couple of puzzles I've made. These ones aren't my designs.

02-17-2014, 06:21 PM
My other hobbies are motorcycling the back roads of the Pacific Northwest; rocks (hounding, cutting, and polishing); ham radio; and a volunteer radio operator for search and rescue. I have found though, that metal detecting is actually cutting into my motorcycle time, which I thought would never happen!

02-17-2014, 06:24 PM
I have a few other hobbies then reading history books and metal detecting. I play chess and have competed in tournaments on and off for 15 years. I play on FICS under the handle NoHaRa. I enjoy wood working. I make boxes, 3D puzzles, Japanese style puzzle boxes, little stuff like that. I also enjoy working on clocks. Here are a couple of puzzles I've made. These ones aren't my designs.

Beautiful work!

02-17-2014, 07:00 PM
I have a few other hobbies then reading history books and metal detecting. I play chess and have competed in tournaments on and off for 15 years. I play on FICS under the handle NoHaRa. I enjoy wood working. I make boxes, 3D puzzles, Japanese style puzzle boxes, little stuff like that. I also enjoy working on clocks. Here are a couple of puzzles I've made. These ones aren't my designs.

Great job on the puzzles. Spatial thinking is not one of my strong points:lol: I was given an old clock (@ 1840's I believe) that a local clock repair guy restored the guts too. I have a lot of respect for the amount of work that it takes to disassemble and reassemble the clock frames, aligning them, changing bushings, and cleaning (ultrasonic) all of the brass components etc... Knowledge that is slowly being lost.

My other hobbies are motorcycling the back roads of the Pacific Northwest; rocks (hounding, cutting, and polishing); ham radio; and a volunteer radio operator for search and rescue. I have found though, that metal detecting is actually cutting into my motorcycle time, which I thought would never happen!

Beautiful work!

Are you slicing rock and polishing them (like agate slices) or are you tumbling them like river stones? I have a solution to the motorcycle dilemma. Use the bike and a GPS to scout future areas while you cruise around. Then return to metal detect. They can rely on each other :lol:

Tony Two-Cent
02-17-2014, 09:21 PM
Wow, beautiful stamps, George! I've never actively collected stamps but I do have some. My mom collected them in the 1960s and somehow I ended up with her album. I think she gave it to me because I showed interest in them when I was a kid. I don't know anything about them, perhaps the ones in her album are common. Almost all of them are cancelled and stuck in the album with hinges.

Here are some of the older ones:


02-17-2014, 09:34 PM
I have a few other hobbies then reading history books and metal detecting. I play chess and have competed in tournaments on and off for 15 years. I play on FICS under the handle NoHaRa. I enjoy wood working. I make boxes, 3D puzzles, Japanese style puzzle boxes, little stuff like that. I also enjoy working on clocks. Here are a couple of puzzles I've made. These ones aren't my designs.

These are absolutely beautiful!!!

02-17-2014, 09:45 PM
Wow, beautiful stamps, George! I've never actively collected stamps but I do have some. My mom collected them in the 1960s and somehow I ended up with her album. I think she gave it to me because I showed interest in them when I was a kid. I don't know anything about them, perhaps the ones in her album are common. Almost all of them are cancelled and stuck in the album with hinges.

Here are some of the older ones:


Hey Tony, some nice older stamps. One thing that you have to look out for is the fact that some stamps may be placed in the wrong place. The album you have shows a lot of varieties, but not all of them. So stamps can be placed in the wrong location. Stamps lose value quickly if they are hinged, not centered, (especially if the image is cut by the perforations), heavily canceled, straight edged (like your 2 cent) and if some of the perforations are missing or very short (like the 4 cent grant). The first two stamps are nice and there may be varieties of each. I don't have my catalog handy, but there are color variations, perforation counts, and even secret marks, grills etc... on certain issues. Usually when someone shows me there stamps, you get the ones from the 1940 & 50's and they say they are "REAL OLD" :lol: Yours actually are real old. Nice collection Tony.

Digger Don
02-17-2014, 10:15 PM
My son and I also hunt and collect fossils.
I have boxes of them, but here are a couple of fossils I have handy3702537026370273702837025

Tony Two-Cent
02-17-2014, 10:27 PM
Hey Tony, some nice older stamps. One thing that you have to look out for is the fact that some stamps may be placed in the wrong place. The album you have shows a lot of varieties, but not all of them. So stamps can be placed in the wrong location. Stamps lose value quickly if they are hinged, not centered, (especially if the image is cut by the perforations), heavily canceled, straight edged (like your 2 cent) and if some of the perforations are missing or very short (like the 4 cent grant). The first two stamps are nice and there may be varieties of each. I don't have my catalog handy, but there are color variations, perforation counts, and even secret marks, grills etc... on certain issues. Usually when someone shows me there stamps, you get the ones from the 1940 & 50's and they say they are "REAL OLD" :lol: Yours actually are real old. Nice collection Tony.

Thanks for the info, George! I didn't really expect them to be anything too special. Certainly my mom was collecting on a modest budget in the 1960s. I still enjoy looking at the collection.

Of course my major thing is comic books. I've been collecting them since 1976 and I currently have somewhere around 20,000. I started going to comic book conventions in 1983 and have made many lifelong friendships through comic book collecting.

My brother and I with our comic books in 1980. Me on the left.



Two comics from 1938 from the infamous Edgar Church collection. (Google it.)


02-17-2014, 10:28 PM
My son and I also hunt and collect fossils.
I have boxes of them, but here are a couple of fossils I have handy3702537026370273702837025

Oh my gosh... what a great thread! These are terrific! Where did you find them?

02-17-2014, 10:45 PM
Don, what a beautiful collection of fossils :shocked04: some nice ferns there. Any trilobite's there? How old are they - @ 100 million? Great pieces :loveit:

Tony, that is one heck of a comic book collection. Probably the best one I have seen. Some names I didn't even know made comic books. Nice and neat too!!

Digger Don
02-17-2014, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the interest. Most of our finds are from the coal mine spoil hills around Braidwood, il. They call the area the Mazon Creek Formation.
And yes, 100 million years plus.
We have found several trilobites in Ohio.
My best find was a large spider found in a road cut in Indiana. It's buried in a box somewhere.
I have one unopened fossil thats about 2ft in dia. Waiting for it to pop open naturally by freezing and thawing. A normal fern fossil will pop open over one winter by putting it in a bucket of water outside. Iv'e had the big one seven years.

02-18-2014, 04:43 AM
My latest addiction stems from metal detecting and my past use of them which are Zippo lighters. My most recent acquisition was presented to me a couple of days ago by my X along with some nice antique glass ashtray's


She says that she is going to quit smoking and I wish her the best of luck, I think about it every now and then but have never quit except once when I had a stint in Jail for 90 days about 20 years ago :devilish:

02-18-2014, 09:22 AM
Nice thread....I am what is known as an collector (one step ahead of a hoarder). I've posted some pictures of my bank collection. Now some are old and some are newer (given to me by my mother so they have to be displayed). Other collections include pewter ice cream molds, art pottery, cap gun collection, old kitchen utensils, spice tins, old bathroom stuff, calendars, clocks, etc....3704837049370503705137052370533705437055370 52

The mason jar holds all the wheat's that I've

02-18-2014, 10:57 AM
I have found though, that metal detecting is actually cutting into my motorcycle time, which I thought would never happen!

Put the detector in a back pack ~ hop on the bike go for a ride ~ stop and do some hunting ~ back onto the bike and head home. No need to miss out on bike time! I like to do that on the east coast, much easier to find a parking spot at the beach with the bike and I get to combine two hobby's!

02-18-2014, 11:42 AM
My son and I also hunt and collect fossils.
I have boxes of them, but here are a couple of fossils I have handy3702537026370273702837025
I love the fossils. Fossil hunting is something I've always wanted to do!

02-18-2014, 11:46 AM
Thanks for the info, George! I didn't really expect them to be anything too special. Certainly my mom was collecting on a modest budget in the 1960s. I still enjoy looking at the collection.

Of course my major thing is comic books. I've been collecting them since 1976 and I currently have somewhere around 20,000. I started going to comic book conventions in 1983 and have made many lifelong friendships through comic book collecting.

My brother and I with our comic books in 1980. Me on the left.



Two comics from 1938 from the infamous Edgar Church collection. (Google it.)


Wow Tony, I'm completely blown away by your comic book collection. It looks like you could start a comic book store! :wow:

02-18-2014, 01:18 PM
For me it's guns, crossbows, hunting stuff, performance motorcycles/racing, and since I make my living with them horses, anvils, and forges. Some of my stuff is collectable, but for the most part I use them.


Digger Don
02-18-2014, 02:32 PM
I think Tony may have started a new thread. Photos of our selves in the 80s.

02-18-2014, 07:04 PM
Put the detector in a back pack ~ hop on the bike go for a ride ~ stop and do some hunting ~ back onto the bike and head home. No need to miss out on bike time! I like to do that on the east coast, much easier to find a parking spot at the beach with the bike and I get to combine two hobby's!

That is actually in my plans for this summer. Great minds think alike.

02-19-2014, 10:34 AM
You guys have very nice collections and hobbies. My other hobbies are collecting silver bars by cashing in my clad and metal working, Heres a pic of most of my clad and a few pieces of my work. If any of you are bored you can find my soon to be wife and I on Facebook Benjiandthebanditwelding
This chair was made from 1951 ford tractor fenders and 200 year old barn cedar.
Sunfish and sea turtle.
I made these two sand scoops 2 years ago and haven't used them 5 times:(

Digger Don
02-19-2014, 11:52 AM
Very nice metalwork. Love that Turtle !!

02-19-2014, 12:57 PM
Great looking metal work. Gotta agree that turtle looks fantastic

02-19-2014, 01:21 PM
I like the fish and water lily and how you incorporated the drift wood. Looking good!

02-19-2014, 01:41 PM
Thank you guys. I enjoy metal working a lot. Just wish i used my sand scoops more lol

02-19-2014, 03:41 PM
I bet there is someone out there who would kill to get those fenders you made a chair out of!

02-19-2014, 03:48 PM
I bet there is someone out there who would kill to get those fenders you made a chair out of!
They should of beat me to the junk yard then:lol:

02-19-2014, 06:27 PM
They should of beat me to the junk yard then:lol:

They just might, when you eventually junk the chair :lol: Looks like they will pop off of there and can be repaired. You do great work. I may need to hire you to make me a custom park shovel I wanted, since I couldn't get Lesche to do one for me :(

02-19-2014, 06:57 PM
They just might, when you eventually junk the chair :lol: Looks like they will pop off of there and can be repaired. You do great work. I may need to hire you to make me a custom park shovel I wanted, since I couldn't get Lesche to do one for me :(
I can't get any love on my chair. Its the most comfortable ever. I would be more than happy to build you what ever you would like George. Maybe work out a deal like ill build it and you take me cellar hole hunting. and not one of those that was hit in the contest thats going on with you and del:)

02-19-2014, 08:06 PM
I can't get any love on my chair. Its the most comfortable ever. I would be more than happy to build you what ever you would like George. Maybe work out a deal like ill build it and you take me cellar hole hunting. and not one of those that was hit in the contest thats going on with you and del:)

We love the chair....but we love the parts better:lol: I would pay you for the shovel, the cellar holes are free cause they all are hit these days. So prepare to work hard and long for those crusty coppers :clapping: But first is first....get rid of that damn snow :girlcry:

02-20-2014, 07:44 AM
I hunt meteorites in the desert, and seriously dabble in astronomy.

I used to windsurf, but moving to the desert pretty much put the skids on that one.

02-20-2014, 08:36 AM
You guys have the coolest other hobbies and collections, and some of you are obviously very naturally talented. I am so envious.
I grew up (in the 70s and 80s) with an interest in metal detecting, but it wasn't an obsession. I had a cheap little detector, and I found a few old coins, but it faded, although I never completely forgot about it. Then the work years hit and I have always had a high work drive as a number one priority. Now that I've aged a bit, my focus has returned to metal detecting.
My pets and farm animals are what keeps my interest when I'm not detecting. I love my cows and cats and chickens and horse and goats and sheep and dog...

02-20-2014, 08:54 AM
I can't get any love on my chair. Its the most comfortable ever. I would be more than happy to build you what ever you would like George. Maybe work out a deal like ill build it and you take me cellar hole hunting. and not one of those that was hit in the contest thats going on with you and del:)

Didn't mean I did not like the chair Josh, you did a great job, just I like the fenders better!:yahoo:Of course I'm an old tractor guy so I see different value in the parts. Because the fenders came off of an old ford, I'm really not too offended. :rofl: Although I made a lot of money fixing fords, I just don't like them.

02-20-2014, 10:38 AM
Didn't mean I did not like the chair Josh, you did a great job, just I like the fenders better!:yahoo:Of course I'm an old tractor guy so I see different value in the parts. Because the fenders came off of an old ford, I'm really not too offended. :rofl: Although I made a lot of money fixing fords, I just don't like them.
I hear you on the parts value. to me I'm saving it from melt down. So you would like the table i made from a farmall H grill?:lol: What kind of tractors you into?

02-20-2014, 01:06 PM
I hear you on the parts value. to me I'm saving it from melt down. So you would like the table i made from a farmall H grill?:lol: What kind of tractors you into?

I'm not into the BIG tractors, what I like to collect are called "Garden Tractors". I have a few of the old sears ones from the 60s and 70s. I just picked up two Cub Cadets, one with a loader on it and the other with both a snow blower and a mower deck! The Cubs are vintage 1968! Of course I also have my very large backhoe a Case 580B CK. That's for the really deep MD signals!

02-20-2014, 01:24 PM
I'm not into the BIG tractors, what I like to collect are called "Garden Tractors". I have a few of the old sears ones from the 60s and 70s. I just picked up two Cub Cadets, one with a loader on it and the other with both a snow blower and a mower deck! The Cubs are vintage 1968! Of course I also have my very large backhoe a Case 580B CK. That's for the really deep MD signals!
Very sweet i love garden tractors i mow with a 1973 wheel horse. My soon to be father inlaw restores them he has a lot of the early model rj's he also has an early Three wheeled copar panzer with a side sickle bar.

02-22-2014, 02:04 AM
wow :omg: some great hobbies , Josh you have some serious skills :notworthy: love the chair :smitten:
Tony that comic book collection is HUGE , they must be worth a "pretty penny " now ;).

Longhair thats a sweet bike , looks scarey fast too. :thumbsup02:

Freemindstuck you have some real talent with the wood working , those are some beautifully intricate looking puzzles.:notworthy:

Don , that is a great collection of fossils . something i miss finding when i lived out in Arizona.

unfortunately i sold some of my hobby projects off years ago ( 70 supersport , 68 malibu and 68 supersport el camino) but I'm still madly in love with the older chevelles and someday i'll get me another one. Until then I still wheel my Jeep wrangler and spend time camping ( i can't wait to go either) with my kids and Wife.

02-22-2014, 09:12 AM
That is some neat stuff everyone! Like George, I am also a stamp collector, although my stamp collection just kind of sits around doing nothing while I search for these types of items. I find the history amazing as it relates to collecting the whole letter or envelope, known in the hobby as folded letters and covers.

I collect this type of material related to Wisconsin, various towns of interest, and from a couple of towns in Germany where my ancestors came from.

02-22-2014, 03:32 PM
Some great examples milco. It's one thing for stamps to survive all those years, but attached and sometimes with contents too, is wonderful. A direct line to our past. :clapping:

Tony Two-Cent
02-22-2014, 04:25 PM
I have a few other hobbies then reading history books and metal detecting. I play chess and have competed in tournaments on and off for 15 years. I play on FICS under the handle NoHaRa. I enjoy wood working. I make boxes, 3D puzzles, Japanese style puzzle boxes, little stuff like that. I also enjoy working on clocks. Here are a couple of puzzles I've made. These ones aren't my designs.

Wow! These are truly beautiful! It must take some mad woodworking skills to build something so precise.

Impressive! :notworthy:

02-23-2014, 05:37 AM
well this is what i do when im not detecting.
this is me at the north east regional finals in up state new york , the carp weighed in 32lb and was the biggest fish out of 100 fisherman and nearly earned me $6000 but a 33lb was caught 5mins from the end....i was upset to say the least !!!!.
i held the ct carp record (46.2lb) for three weeks a few years ago before one of my good friend beat it.

02-23-2014, 07:59 AM
well this is what i do when im not detecting.
this is me at the north east regional finals in up state new york , the carp weighed in 32lb and was the biggest fish out of 100 fisherman and nearly earned me $6000 but a 33lb was caught 5mins from the end....i was upset to say the least !!!!.
i held the ct carp record (46.2lb) for three weeks a few years ago before one of my good friend beat it. Wow, that is one big carp. Just curious, how do you fish for carp? Around us, they are grass eaters (used to keep my pond cleaned out.)

02-24-2014, 02:20 PM
Nice thread....I am what is known as an collector (one step ahead of a hoarder). I've posted some pictures of my bank collection. Now some are old and some are newer (given to me by my mother so they have to be displayed). Other collections include pewter ice cream molds, art pottery, cap gun collection, old kitchen utensils, spice tins, old bathroom stuff, calendars, clocks, etc....3704837049370503705137052370533705437055370 52

The mason jar holds all the wheat's that I've

Al is not being completely honest here......his house puts a lot of museums to shame. It's all displayed beautifully all over his house...even in the bathroom. When I go over, I always marvel at eh collection which is SO varied, and each room has a theme, like the kitchen has kitchen stuff, bathroom bathroom stuff, etc...it's an amazing collection...and his kids will sell it all at a yard sale for 50 cents each:lol:

02-24-2014, 02:44 PM
Wow, that is one big carp. Just curious, how do you fish for carp? Around us, they are grass eaters (used to keep my pond cleaned out.)
hello kc, so you have grass carp round your way do ya ? its a wide misconseption that grass carp only eat grass/weed , the best way to catch them is 14lb line with a bubble float a size 6 hook and a piece of bread with the crust still on floated on the top of the water.
grass carps mouths are turned upwards for surface feeding so bread on the top is perfect, be very quite tho thay spook easy , spot the fish you want to catch first and then cast 10ft in front of it and let the grassie come to the bait.
thay fight like all hell for about 20 seconds and then its like reeling in a plastic bag full of water ...lol.
where mirror,common,and leather carp are concerned (whitch fight like the devil himself) i use and english bait called a boilie and fish it on a european setup called a hair rig which alowes you to fish the hook totaly bare with the bait behind it.....deadly !!!! once thay suck it in thay cant eject it and thay hook them selves.
i did catch a 64lb grass carp from a water that was only 3ft deep these fish where introjuiced in the mid sixties and are the origanal fish...thats right....50year old fish !!! , thay where stocked as trifloids which means thay cant breed.
if you need any more info i would be glad to talk all day with you about it , feel free to ask any questions.

02-24-2014, 04:59 PM
I kind of collect other hobbies but my DH and I love Motorcycling, collecting antiques, camping. I'm very big into fiber arts - knitting, spinning, weaving, needlepoint and I do some metalwork and drawing just to round it out. I will have plenty to keep me busy when I retire, that's for sure!

03-10-2014, 06:01 PM
BIg fly fisherman here. I also collect and smoke tobacco pipes as well as cellaring pipe tobacco. Im a member of the pipe club out here as well. I also work out quite a bit, backpack and camp.

The Rebel
03-10-2014, 07:17 PM
This is me many years ago. I'm the 1st Sgt. (1st guy kneeling from the left). Did CW Re-enacting for 13 years before kids.

The picture was taken from an old Sears & Roebuck Camera from the late 1800's on a glass negative.

Co. F 12th Regt. Georgia Vol. Infantry (Davis Guards)
Doles-Cook Brigade
Rhodes Div.
2nd Corp
Army Of Northern VA.

The Rebel
03-10-2014, 07:25 PM
I got back into genealogy this winter.

Here is a picture of my Great-Great Grandparents in Tonsberg, Norway.


03-30-2014, 03:06 PM
I kind of collect other hobbies but my DH and I love Motorcycling, collecting antiques, camping. I'm very big into fiber arts - knitting, spinning, weaving, needlepoint and I do some metalwork and drawing just to round it out. I will have plenty to keep me busy when I retire, that's for sure!

You are basically my family rolled into one person! I'm into antiques and motorcycling, my oldest son is into camping and metalwork, my wife is into fiber arts (and every other kind of art), and my other son is into drawing.

08-13-2014, 09:21 PM
I just came across this great thread. Loved reading about everyone's other hobbies. Let's keep it rolling. One of my other hobbies is photography. Wildlife/Nature photography is what interests me most. Here's a few of my favorite photos:

Trooper Bri
08-14-2014, 07:57 PM
For roughly the past 12 years I've been into fishing. Connecticut offers a lot of options for fishing too. Been a member on ctfisherman.com for those 12 years, and 5 of them as a moderator (you guys have it easy here :lol: ).
My best friend who got me into fishing years ago has mostly lost interest in it. And he was a guy that liked his fishing. So, I've kinda fallen out as well.

Ice fishing was my 1'st real love. Get a few shacks together, cook some chow, and spend the day with a few (or more) friends. I organize an annual fishing optional event, a cookout on ice. We have a lot of fun, and may have a propane bowling or curling competition this year. We use 1lb greenies.
We have CT river fishing, which is home to a large variety of species including Northern Pike. Did a few all-nighters on an island for catfishing parties. The Farmington river is a great TMA area. Done a few wet wading trips there in the heat of summer. Lots of lakes and ponds, and of course the Sound.

After ice fishing, panfishing from a boat was 2'nd fav, and saltwater 3'rd.

EDIT: Lee, I may know a couple guys you run into while carping.

01-31-2015, 09:53 PM
We camp and fish a lot.

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/dtcroft1136x852_zpsb59fb8e4.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/dtcroft1136x852_zpsb59fb8e4.jpg.html)

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/DSCN0131_zpse264e226.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/DSCN0131_zpse264e226.jpg.html)

My favorite is fly fishing.

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/6-14-13Fishin_zpsdcff546b.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/6-14-13Fishin_zpsdcff546b.jpg.html)

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/GEDC0067_zps4da5fe4a.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/GEDC0067_zps4da5fe4a.jpg.html)

I am also a BBQ Judge that enjoys playing with fire and smoke

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/970821_10151434780298483_1009175751_n_zps0e38cb44. jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/970821_10151434780298483_1009175751_n_zps0e38cb44. jpg.html)

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/10307187_10152079314053483_3795916235079264168_n_z psc2839196.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/10307187_10152079314053483_3795916235079264168_n_z psc2839196.jpg.html)

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/ss3_zps9ed4e251.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/ss3_zps9ed4e251.jpg.html)

And I have a fondness for old Coleman lanterns

http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt298/GA1dad/100_3174.jpg (http://s621.photobucket.com/user/GA1dad/media/100_3174.jpg.html)

02-02-2015, 10:25 AM
I know I'm getting all geeky here but I collect vintage Star Wars figures. I still have most of my "toys" from the late 70's and pick up a few here and there at garage sales.

02-02-2015, 10:56 AM
Lol. The new AW consumes a fair amount of my time...when I'm stuck inside and should be finishing/starting new remodel projects. The guitar I'm self teaching for a few years and same with making jewelry and chainmaille jewelry. The rock/fossil collecting is sporadic and I do have some nice display pieces.