View Full Version : I had a dream

Jeff (or)
02-28-2014, 05:24 PM
I had a dream last nite that I had a very important package to ship. I walked into the ups store with it and went up to the counter and waited a few seconds. A man came from the back room and asked me "can I help you?". I recognized the voice and when I looked at him, I just stared.............It was Rod Serling.37161

02-28-2014, 09:58 PM
You should have asked him for that detector that only found gold and silver at incredible depths that you were waiting on. :lol: I used to love the Twilight Zone marathons

03-01-2014, 09:56 AM
I met him once a long time ago in Fays Drug store in Baldwinsville N.Y. He had a camp at Cross Lake and stopped to buy some supplies. Got his autograph.

03-02-2014, 07:59 AM
That was one of my favorites when I was a kid. Rod died at the young age of 50, just had to check when reading this thread.

03-02-2014, 09:44 AM
My mind is in "The Twilight Zone" most of the time. I can relate to your dream. :)

03-10-2014, 03:13 PM
Oh yeah... absolutely love The Twilight Zone & dreams too! Years ago, before metal detecting days, I dreamed I was digging up literally thousands of coins around the front porch stairwell of an old house... maybe it was premonition? :lol:

06-17-2014, 09:05 PM
well speaking of packages jeff that coil you sent me has found my brothers tiny gold post tooth, twice in the last 3 months. it never comes off the idx-pro. My brother is now thanking you.:clapping:

Jeff (or)
06-18-2014, 06:21 PM
well speaking of packages jeff that coil you sent me has found my brothers tiny gold post tooth, twice in the last 3 months. it never comes off the idx-pro. My brother is now thanking you.:clapping:

Jim, tell your brother he is welcome, hope you are getting out and doing some detectin'. Since my last move to (Chico, Ca) I have found some very interesting places to hunt. I know there are quite a few detectorists around here, but you would'nt know it by the coins and relics I have found.