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View Full Version : Toxic waste ... Unearthed and safe disposal

06-15-2014, 12:38 PM
Happens to me all of the time. Dig down about four to six inches only to find a decomposing battery. :shocked02:

What have you found that is toxic and how did you dispose of it safely?

06-15-2014, 01:28 PM
I was hunting at a neighbor's a few weeks ago and shoveled into asbestos tiles. As soon as I saw what I was doing I covered it and moved away. Must have been from the 50s as I was digging in their dump area. I mentioned it to the guy who didn't care too much.

06-16-2014, 02:42 PM
I add them to our battery recycle tub at home. Eeek asbestos tiles! Hadn't thought of that :shocked01: if it's not ants and yellow jackets to worry about...