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Ill Digger
06-08-2010, 04:09 PM
A buddy lent me his Minelab SE pro to try out because he has his new V3. I've tryed some bench tests in the kitchen with a few coins already. I can see this is a completly differant animal :confused:. Is there a couple of helpful hints/tips anyone can give this Whites user to try and get a handle on the this foreign machine? I know alot of it will just have to be Go use it. But today it's raining here and suppost to rain for the next few days.So is there anything you exsperianced Minelabers can give me to help with a smooth transition? Like...settings to use or....whatever. I'm actually thinking about going over some of the places I've already hit with the DFX & Prizm IV.
Thanks :grin:

06-08-2010, 05:46 PM
Hmmm.... not sure there is a good answer. Going from White's to that machine is going to be a learning curve, but once you get used to the tones it should all come together.

Settings... it depends on if you like to listen to a cacophony of tones :) or just a few or one. I usually kept the variability and limits set almost to the top to hear the most range of tones, but that drives some people nuts. Put gain somewhere in the middle, and Response on normal. Conductive tones, not ferrous (at first). You can use one of the pre-loaded programs and just get used to what various targets sound like. The CO and FE numbers will be something to get used to with various targets also.

Important to remember after a White's.... you cannot swing too slow with the SE.

06-08-2010, 10:20 PM
I'm going to upgrade and leaning between V3 and E-trac... I'd like to swing slower than I have/need to with XLT... faster for better depth or so I've read. As far as your comment about can't swing too slow w/SE, is true with E-trac too?

06-09-2010, 02:28 AM
I'm going to upgrade and leaning between V3 and E-trac... I'd like to swing slower than I have/need to with XLT... faster for better depth or so I've read. As far as your comment about can't swing too slow w/SE, is true with E-trac too?

The E-Trac is like the Explorers and Sovereigns, slow is good. A fast sweep will give you more falses off of iron. Too bad you don't live closer, I own both the V3 and the E-Trac and would be happy to let you try both. They are both awesome machines but for me the E-Trac has a shorter learning curve. I'm still in elementary school with the Spectra. :grin: That is mainly because I have thousands of hours using Explorers(E-Trac and Explorers aren't that different to use) and the Spectra is only my second White's machine.

06-09-2010, 02:26 PM
A buddy lent me his Minelab SE pro to try out because he has his new V3. I've tryed some bench tests in the kitchen with a few coins already. I can see this is a completly differant animal :confused:. Is there a couple of helpful hints/tips anyone can give this Whites user to try and get a handle on the this foreign machine? I know alot of it will just have to be Go use it. But today it's raining here and suppost to rain for the next few days.So is there anything you exsperianced Minelabers can give me to help with a smooth transition? Like...settings to use or....whatever. I'm actually thinking about going over some of the places I've already hit with the DFX & Prizm IV.
Thanks :grin:

I don't have that machine but if I remember correctly, a lot of the diehard Explorer users run an open screen ( No discrimination) and ferrous sounds. They have to crawl very, very slowly because the processor is slow!! You will hear everything, but the iron should grunt. Try this at home before you go out. You may not like it. Trying to show you the cursor position of good items is a long, drawn out process. lol Just dig anything that has a smooth tone. I hope someone else can chime in that has years of experience with the unit.

06-10-2010, 04:34 AM
Hey Tim howz the SE coming along? I guess I could go check your posts and find out huh? :rolleyes: lol

The E-Trac is like the Explorers and Sovereigns, slow is good. A fast sweep will give you more falses off of iron. Too bad you don't live closer, I own both the V3 and the E-Trac and would be happy to let you try both. They are both awesome machines but for me the E-Trac has a shorter learning curve. I'm still in elementary school with the Spectra. :grin: That is mainly because I have thousands of hours using Explorers(E-Trac and Explorers aren't that different to use) and the Spectra is only my second White's machine.

Thanks for the offer anyway :grin: Where do you live again? Well... I went ahead & got the V3i yesterday! :clapping:

06-10-2010, 10:16 AM
I did get to use an SE for about two months or so early last year and loved it. I was quite impressed with its depth capabilities, and how it tended to lock on to deep silver. I did post at the FMDF my impressions on the SE and what I had found with it during that short period. You can read about it here (http://metaldetectingforum.com/showthread.php?t=30075).

Getting used to and learning the tones was the challenge for me, but it pays to take the time to become acquainted with the machine's 'language'. You will also find that the SmartFind feature will be one you will be relying on again and again. When combined with the tones, learning where the crosshair falls within the grid when over specific coin types will help you weed out much trash, like nails or screw caps. The SE is definitely an awesome coinshooting machine!

Ill Digger
06-11-2010, 09:28 AM
Yes sir!! I remember that post :yes: I'm still having flashbacks lol
This is one of the reasons why I'm jumping at the opportunity to try this machine out.
:huh: SmartFind feature ? Thats somthing I'm going to have to look into :yes:
I do have another question now....should I be paying attention to the Fe&Co #'s while pinpointing?
For instance, I had a choppie 9-27 but when I PPed it the number went to 30-30 .That's iron right? Is it iron when the two numbers are both close together?
Thanks for all your guyes help. If it weren't for you guyz I probably wouldn't have even tryed this thing out :rolleyes: lol

06-11-2010, 07:22 PM
I do have another question now....should I be paying attention to the Fe&Co #'s while pinpointing?
For instance, I had a choppie 9-27 but when I PPed it the number went to 30-30 .That's iron right? Is it iron when the two numbers are both close together?

I never paid attention to the numbers then, as I had been using the SmartFind display option when using the SE, not the digital. Personally, though, I would have dug that target. :yes: