View Full Version : Scrapes, Cuts, Blisters, Bruises

08-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Hi everyone,
I thought it would be fun to start a thread dedicated to metal detecting related injuries. The nastier the pictures the better, so don't hold back. lol

08-04-2014, 02:48 PM
I've almost lost an eye :shocked03: sorry no pictures to protect the innocent :lol: ok maybe it wasn't that bad but I swear a small branch from a fir tree smacked me in the eye so hard on the actual eyeball , that my eye teared up the rest of the day .it felt itchy and irritated all day , only when I got home 10 hours later my wife noticed the tiny fir tree bristles still in my eye :shocked02: and boy did it feel good to finally get them out and wash my eye.

08-04-2014, 02:56 PM
One winter I was using my relic shovel hacking some roots, the shovel deflected off the root and went clear down to my shin bone, that was a wound that took forever to heal. It left a nasty scar too :bangshead01:

Lodge Scent
08-07-2014, 09:15 PM
No pics, but a couple of times a year I usually shred my legs pretty bad in the briar patches. You get these nasty looking 1 to 8 inch long slices all over your legs. They really don't hurt but just look real bad. The worst injury I almost got was when I got some poison ivy on my wrist on a hunt a couple of years ago. Later that night my wife was complaining of a stiff neck. Being the nice husband that I am I gave her a back and neck rub. 24 hours later she had poison ivy all over her back. She threatened to hit me over the head with my detector if I ever did that again. That would have hurt :)

08-08-2014, 09:43 AM
I was turned into a newt by a witch. But I got better.


08-08-2014, 08:30 PM
For me it is always wasp stings (yellow jackets) today was sting # 2 & 3. Couple weeks back was #1. :shocked04: :crying02:But my friend Mike got hit about 10 times today. We both started digging a hole (different areas) about 2 feet from a ground nest. I'm luckier cause I can run faster than him :hystericallaugh: