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06-22-2010, 10:47 PM
I suppose I could be considered AWOL, huh? lol

Ugh.. so much happening, no time to explain it all. Always detecting, though, whenever we can.

Got a group hunt coming up on Sunday. Joe and I both have the day off so we'll be prepping for that.
Got an old site where the early settlers nestled in with the Indians, and they all co-existed for years.
It's an old county road now, discontinued, and not completely passable by a regular vehicle.

Regardless, just wanted to say we're still at it, never giving up this hobby.
Just been extremely busy.

Hope everyone's having a great season! HH!

Ill Digger
06-23-2010, 12:31 AM
Good to hear from ya!!
Good luck to everyone going!!
Hope you can maybe find some time to show us some of your goodies from the hunt :yes:
HH :grin:

06-23-2010, 02:40 AM
hey Donna glad your checking in , don't want to have to ground you lol lol . hope your hunt goes well and save us some pictures of the fun :happydance01: <: and finds :yes: thumbsup01 .


06-23-2010, 06:30 AM
Hi Donna! That one sounds like it will be another fun hunt. :yes: Have a great time!

06-23-2010, 07:37 AM
Glad to see you are doing okay Donna. We wondered where you were :)

06-23-2010, 07:45 AM
Glad you two are doing well ;) I never really thought you weren't detecting lol It's in our blood thumbsup01 Hope your hunt turns out well. It sounds like a great location. I got a good feeling for you guys!!

06-23-2010, 07:07 PM
Well, so much for our day off today prepping for Sunday. Had electrical problems at the house.
We've been trying to contact the electrician that did some work on the house when we bought it 10 years ago, but he hadn't returned any calls.
I think he is semi-retired now and only does commercial, but a call would have been nice.

So, when a breaker tripped this morning I went downstairs to flip it back on. This is the issue we've been trying to get corrected.
It was different this morning and I'm SOOOO glad we both had the day off.
I flipped it on and it would crackle and flip back off. I couldn't figure it out. then I smelled something hot.
I felt the breaker and it was hot to the touch. I shut everything off and went for the phone book.

I looked and looked but couldn't find one I wanted to call. Then my eyes were drawn to a name. I thought for a minute then called him.
He came over and spent 4 hours working ... I stuck with him in the cellar offering to help but mostly seeing what was up with the wiring.
We talked the whole time and he told me of some places he had been in and some of the things he'd come across in the walls, etc...
Then he said his girlfriend wants to get a detector. So I told him Joe and I metal detect for a hobby and I told him of our web site.

He was a very nice guy and helpful. He's got a repeat customer, especially since he now knows what's inside the breaker box.

We could have been headed for a disaster. Thank God it's fixed.

So tonight Joe and I went detecting at one of our favorite spots for an hour. They're digging up the ground that was lived on in the earliest days of the town and we have sole permission to hunt it. It was muddy and we didn't find anything, but on the way home we took a detour to check an old road we found on a map. It's only passable by ATV and we can go down on our ATV! <: It'll have to wait until a week from Sunday, though. I can't WAIT!!! This is another area that dates back to the earliest settlers of the area. The old maps show cellar holes in there, and since it passes through someone's yard, I don't think anyone's been detecting in there.

Hopefully we find something good this weekend and are able to explore the new area next weekend. I'll get some pics.
OH! I have some video of us exploring the area we're going on Sunday. I'll post them on the appropriate forum for you. It's just video of the area... no detecting to speak of.