View Full Version : Recent Relic Finds!

Pennsylvania Treasures
01-14-2015, 06:38 PM
Hey Guys! Haven't posted in a while so i thought i would show you guys some of my most recent Relic Finds From Metal Detecting!

What you see here is a Flat Button that reads Treble Gilt, dating from 1810-1830, a WW2 Eagle Button that is really hard to see but on the back reads Waterbury Button Co., my first decorated Crotal Bell and a Sweet one at that! It dates from 1780-1820 due to the 2 on the back because in 1830 the 2 became a curly 2. Up next is a big one guys! Dug the beauty down 10 inches! It turns out to be a 1930's Women's Sterling Silver Hand Mirror and would be the part that would go around the mirror!
I've been trying to get out but the grown is frozen!:bangahead02: Hopefully soon i can get out and do some metal detecting!:thumbsup01: Hope you guys are doing well and don't have to deal with my conditions! Good Luck and Happy Hunting!!:groovy:456764567745678456794568045681456 82

Keep on Swinging!:detecting:

P.S. Sorry things are sideways, I'm trying to figure out how to not have that happen.

01-14-2015, 06:51 PM
nice finds PT , love the "petal bell" crotal . where sis you get the info on the age (about the numeral) from ?? feel free to post a link if it adds information.


01-14-2015, 06:53 PM
Those are some very nice finds! I've yet to get a no.2 crotal....I actually had a bad crotal year, don't remember finding any. Yours is in great shape! Congrats!

Pennsylvania Treasures
01-14-2015, 07:06 PM
Thanks OxShoeDrew! I hope you find your no.2 crotal bell soon!

01-14-2015, 08:39 PM
Nice finds and yes, we are frozen here in the northeast. It's been quite awhile since I have seen a crotal bell in the hole. Interesting info about the #2 on the bell.

01-14-2015, 08:48 PM
Those are some great finds looking forward to more of your posts.

01-14-2015, 11:56 PM
nice finds PT , love the "petal bell" crotal . where sis you get the info on the age (about the numeral) from ?? feel free to post a link if it adds information.

yeah what Dan says, I'd love to see a source for that info.

great finds lately PT ! Keep posting :)

BTV Digger
01-15-2015, 08:12 AM
Nice set of finds and love the crotal. I thought they really didn't start numbering the bells en-masse until the mid-1800s but perhaps I'm wrong.
