View Full Version : The Site Where I Found the 1877 Indian Head

Tony Two-Cent
02-05-2015, 09:56 AM
My dad and brother jointly own 40 acres of woods/prairie that they use for hunting. Last year I detected around an old well in the woods there and found an 1877 Indian Head Cent.

My brother has seen bobcats there before when he was hunting, but this time he got a clear photo of one on his trail cam. This is about 50 yards from where I found the Indian Head.

Here kitty kitty!


02-05-2015, 12:57 PM
Really cool pic! But I'm sure you wouldn't want to pet it. I've heard bobcats are really mean.

02-05-2015, 03:41 PM
very cool picture Tony !

02-05-2015, 11:14 PM
Nice Kitty!

Digger Don
02-06-2015, 08:47 AM
Cool photo Tony.
When are you going back?

Ill Digger
02-06-2015, 08:53 PM
Cool photo Tony.
When are you going back?

Yeah! When are you going back? We'll go, I'll bring my AR and predator calls! :lol:
Oh...knowing there's 1877 IH's in the area, I'll probably have to bring along the ET too. :lol:

Tony Two-Cent
02-06-2015, 09:02 PM
I have been back a couple of times but didn't find any more coins. The area by the well is still really grown up and my brother is trying to get it cleared off. The last time I tried to hunt it I found a harmonica reed, a really old looking pitchfork, a lantern part and some more musket balls.

The Rebel
02-07-2015, 09:21 PM
That's a great capture Tony! I love cats.

Lodge Scent
02-08-2015, 09:30 AM
That's a surprised bobcat! I've seen their tracks but have yet to see one in the wild. Very cool.

Tony Two-Cent
03-03-2015, 10:12 AM
My brother got another good photo of the bobcat on his trail cam. Very cool to see, but I don't think I will try to pet this kitty.


Digger Don
03-03-2015, 10:52 AM
That's a really cool find. LOL
I've never seen one in the wild either.
How big is it ?

03-03-2015, 12:04 PM
They are beautiful animals for sure. I have seen a few and one up pretty close but never felt threatened by them. They will run from you as long as they have a place to run. I certainly would not want to get one cornered up and take it on. They could do some serious damage !!

03-03-2015, 07:21 PM
We have one stalking around my work , its been caught on their outside and parking lot cameras a couple of times. With all the wild turkeys and other animals it looks like he eats pretty well too. I was also fortunate enough to see one poking his face through the foliage one time sneaking a peek at me an another detectorist , he wasn't maybe 40 yards away and I just happened to look in his direction to see what i thought was a face in the bushes. It took me a few seconds to realize just what i was looking at or my mind playing tricks , right about then he turn away and slowly walked away from me , my buddy didn't even know he was there until i told him .

Trooper Bri
03-05-2015, 12:48 PM
We've got a bobcat around our work as well. This pic is from a year ago I believe. Fat cat for sure, I can see how some people confuse them with mountain lions.


03-08-2015, 08:41 AM
One of my friends and I were out detecting around Old foundations, when he asked me to take a picture of him over by this apple tree he had found. After he had got the pictures back from developing, he calls me up and tells me that just past the apple tree standing on these rocks is a Bobcat standing there watching us. He was looking at the picture with a magnifying glass. We went back to the site later and believe she had a family there. We only caught a glimpse of her as we got there.
You never know who is watching us as we are out enjoying our hobby.

Tony Two-Cent
03-08-2015, 02:51 PM
One of my friends and I were out detecting around Old foundations, when he asked me to take a picture of him over by this apple tree he had found. After he had got the pictures back from developing, he calls me up and tells me that just past the apple tree standing on these rocks is a Bobcat standing there watching us. He was looking at the picture with a magnifying glass. We went back to the site later and believe she had a family there. We only caught a glimpse of her as we got there.
You never know who is watching us as we are out enjoying our hobby.

Welcome to the forum! :waving:

That's a neat story. I have never seen one in the wild, only these pictures that my brother captured of one. My brother has seen them in person though. He was in his tree stand one time and heard some noise below him. He looked down and there was a mother bobcat and two kittens. I would love to see one in person some day!