View Full Version : Mean people and getting kicked out of a permission.

05-01-2015, 06:12 PM
Today I didn't have school so I went to one of my favorite towns in northern RI to try to get some permissions. Well let's just say it was a total disaster. First two people weren't home, third person was home but never answers the door and instead let their vicious German Shepard take a snap at me. (There was no "beware of dog) sign posted. The next house nobody answers and I finally tried a 1747 house where an old lady answered and after some chatting gave me permission to metal detect. I asked her at least 4 times If it was okay to make sure she wasn't confused or hard of hearing. Well, apparently she still didn't get the message cause 5 minutes later she pokes her head out the window screaming at me and telling me to get the hell of her property and asking why I was digging holes. She also called me a "f*****". I didn't say anything back to her I just left. Glad she didn't call the police and say I was trespassing and vandalized her house. Ended up going to a family owned cellar hole and found nothing. Overall today was a bad day. Anyone else have some awful experiences with people especially elderly people?

05-01-2015, 06:34 PM
Sounds like you had a rough day! :shocked01: Seems like the older lady who said yes then went off on you may be in some early dementia issues. I have seen it in older friends we have, forgetting what was just said a short while before.

05-01-2015, 06:36 PM
People who put up "Beware of Dog" signs are admitting that their dog is vicious, thus I believe will have no defense in the courts. Sorry to hear of your experience with this elderly lady. Lucky you didn't get the police called on you.

05-01-2015, 06:51 PM
I never told the elderly lady I was going to dig, mostly cause that leads to automatic no's

05-02-2015, 02:39 PM
Some days are like that :(
Stuff like that happens to me from time to time....and it seems it comes from all ages.

-A few weeks ago the state police came into the public woods to find me because someone complained. He apologized.

-I had my licence ran because I happened on a site where some other detectorist was already there giving the police trouble, so they (understandably) thought I was with that guy. They told the other guy to go home and allowed me to stay. :lol:

-Jim Mangoave was yelled at and threatened for no reason at one of my sites.

-One of my permissions is a field with an old family cemetery in it. Some guy stopped and freaked out because he thought I was going to MD the cemetery....and then checked with the owner to see if I was lying.

I could go on and on :lol:

Digger Don
05-02-2015, 09:47 PM
After I get a yes, I always tell them that if I get a signal, I will dig a small hole to retrieve the coin, then I fill it in you won't even know I was here.
I then add " I do this all the time and have never had a complaint". Before I started doing this, I did have the occasional freak out about digging holes.
I have done this with dozens & dozens of home owners and have had only one rescind their permission. It gives me the sense of security when I dig that first hole.

05-04-2015, 07:25 AM
One of the YTC members mentioned two places he was looking for permission one owned by the father and the other by the son. The father said no but the son said yes. The member hunted the son's property and showed the finds. The son talked to the father and finally he gave the member the ok to detect. He told the member that he assumed it was excavating with heavy equipment, not a trowel.

...Shows you that you sometimes have to be clear with people. I had made up some permission forms and only once attempted to use them when the guy gave me this issue with liability. All other places I haven't brought up anything about digging. I guess they all understood what was meant by metal detecting. Even the ones that said no they told me they understood what it was about and good luck finding another place.

And Drew, the crazy lady wasn't quite elderly. Just...well... the correct way to put it, a "B*$@#". Altho the situation is what is relevant.

05-14-2015, 01:48 PM
Dang sorry to hear.

05-26-2015, 07:40 AM
Today I didn't have school so I went to one of my favorite towns in northern RI to try to get some permissions. Well let's just say it was a total disaster. First two people weren't home, third person was home but never answers the door and instead let their vicious German Shepard take a snap at me. (There was no "beware of dog) sign posted. The next house nobody answers and I finally tried a 1747 house where an old lady answered and after some chatting gave me permission to metal detect. I asked her at least 4 times If it was okay to make sure she wasn't confused or hard of hearing. Well, apparently she still didn't get the message cause 5 minutes later she pokes her head out the window screaming at me and telling me to get the hell of her property and asking why I was digging holes. She also called me a "f*****". I didn't say anything back to her I just left. Glad she didn't call the police and say I was trespassing and vandalized her house. Ended up going to a family owned cellar hole and found nothing. Overall today was a bad day. Anyone else have some awful experiences with people especially elderly people?


Northern RI town with rude people. Must be Woonsocket!

06-20-2015, 09:24 PM
I always video my permissions when asking. So no misunderstandings if police are called.