View Full Version : Why are relics so under appreciated?

07-08-2015, 07:00 PM
I feel people like silver more than relics even though relics tell a much better story at times. I was just looking for peoples opinions.

07-08-2015, 07:16 PM
I think it has allot to do with where in the country you live and what is available in the area you live. If I lived in the north east or in a civil war area I know i would go after the relics!

07-08-2015, 07:32 PM
I don't consider myself a relic hunter but I do dig most all non iron targets. At times that gives up some relics. I pass on most iron targets since the places I hunt aren't likely to give up anything old or of interest.

07-08-2015, 07:32 PM
I agree with Ron , I believe its a personal like an all relative to where you live .

07-08-2015, 08:03 PM
The lack of relic interest probably aligns with an individuals general interest in history as a whole. I personally love the history involved in relics,, even when it's the simplest of items I appreciate the fact that our elders used it.

Lodge Scent
07-08-2015, 09:01 PM
I think for various reasons, many folks just don't have a good opportunity to hunt for relics. Or just as likely "junk" simply doesn't float their boat. Silver coinage is then the logical "prey" of choice in my opinion. There are ample places to hunt for it but it is not plentiful, so there is a sense of accomplishment when you find one. Certainly there is for me! A lot of folks on this site find more silver in one day than I do in a year.

I love to dig relics for the reasons you and the other posters describe Ron, and consider it a good hunt when I can sniff out a couple of flat buttons. I have a good buddy that detects but we never detect together. He has zero interest in coppers or relics. He wants silver, period. So the sites he likes to hunt are different from the sites I like to hunt. What ever floats your boat!

I would also argue that a 250 year old silver coin is also a relic :)

07-08-2015, 09:22 PM
I would also argue that a 250 year old silver coin is also a relic :)

Can't argue with you on that point,,,

07-08-2015, 09:35 PM
Agreed with Del,

It's tougher getting relics in the western areas of the US

07-08-2015, 11:09 PM
Here in the upper Midwest coins are the most likely targets to find. As with the local history, we didn't see many European folk arrive until about 1850. Before that were only a few small settlements that have since disappeared under concrete and asphalt, with only a couple original buildings preserved by moving to another location in a park setting. About the only thing around here that might qualify as relic would be a 1971 Pinto.

07-09-2015, 05:53 AM
About the only thing around here that might qualify as relic would be a 1971 Pinto.
My first car!:thumbsup01:...and lived to tell about it :lol:
Maybe another reason relics seem to take a back seat to coinage is simply because coins are dated(?). It's awesome when a toe tap or suspender clip has a date on it.

07-09-2015, 12:46 PM
At least those who are commenting are aware this is an opinion based post. (Not many trollers on here if you get the reference).

Drew, I think there is some relevance to having a date-able find. Personally I'm guessing because silver (and gold) have a definitive monetary value. The items can be sold as scrap but as well people who aren't in the hobby are interested. You may find some relics online (which is how I was able to identify a few) but even coin collectors have an interest in the coins picked up. Suffice to say it as a coin give more flexibility if those who find them ever sell them. More people can identify them as well. A person not knowing about the hobby may hear about an old coin you find or silver coin it be "Omg that's wonderful. Are you going to sell it?" Knowing it's worth something. They hear about a relic and think "oh that's nice. Idk what it's worth. Shouldn't it be in a museum, tho?".

07-09-2015, 01:34 PM
The sole reason why I got into this hobby was to find silver coins. Same goes for a couple of my detecting buddies. But as I have started detecting older sites I have started to have a bigger appreciation for the relics.

I have only sold 1 item that I have dug up and it was a relic. I would probably do it again too...but maybe not.

Full Metal Digger
07-09-2015, 03:45 PM
Lot's of really good comments and opinions in this thread. I enjoy finding relics like bullets, buttons, etc. that are military related but iron relics don't hold much interest for me. They take up lots of space and I can just hear my wife now..."blah, blah, blah, why do have all these rusty blah, blah, blah?"