View Full Version : 15 minutes and a big almost...

08-22-2015, 06:58 PM
Went out to the park for about 15 minutes on my way in to work tonight hoping to maybe find some pocket change. I was on my 3rd or 4th dig when I was approached by a group of young soccer players asking if I was finding anything. Just at that moment I popped open the dirt ball and saw sparklies embedded in a golden halo! It was quite dirty, but held it up for the kids who were in awe. My heart was pounding as I thought I found my first gold! I cleaned off the dirt and saw a mark inside the ring and was sure of it-but as I cleaned more dirt off I realized it was starting to corrode and the gold was flaking off. Oh well, still a nice find and only my second ever ring, but gives me encouragement to keep plodding along with the hope that eventually I will find that ever elusive gold.


08-22-2015, 08:20 PM
So sorry to hear it wasn't the real deal. Number 1 is waiting for you as is mine. Still a nice looking hunt for that short of time

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08-22-2015, 10:49 PM
Yes, not bad for 15 minutes. This park is definitely virgin ground! Around the basketball court and kiddie play area I can't go 2 inches without a coin of some kind. First time there I found 65 cents just laying on the edge of the blacktop walkway. Nearby I also dig up a fairly large Christmas sleigh/Santa pin, and another junker chain that was underneath a penny. I never would have dug that as it rings up as iron at a -4 on my VDI. But, seeing as this park has a lot more area to search including an untouched soccer field, I suspect there will be many things to find here.

08-24-2015, 07:12 AM
Not so sure the soccer field has too much hiding. One that I hit, because it happened to be in a park where I was looking for some old mills. Umm. I did not find any indication where they used to be, besides on the old map. No old stone work. But seeing as I wanted to swing something while I was there, in the field most of the targets were on the sidelines. I can see there might be a few things hiding in the field. Maybe a few necklaces. But they will be sparse in the field. Nice "almost' however.

08-24-2015, 06:43 PM
Thanks MangoAve. Don't know what this park will bring, but I know nothing old. It's a relatively new park not on the 1963 aerial photos. Newer subdivision around it too. But the hope is that since it's in a much more affluent area than where I had hunted in the past maybe have a better chance of nicer goodies. At least it's close to where I moved to, and safer than the inner city areas I was working. At least I'm finding more coins than pull tabs and liquor bottle caps! :lol:

08-26-2015, 01:17 AM
You just never know. Any more I love anyplace that isn't chock full of bottle caps.