View Full Version : Ct.copper & Buttons

09-20-2015, 11:20 AM
Well yesterday (Saturday) I met up with Trooper Bri at 6am to hit a couple of old foundations out in the woods. One particular one that I hit about 12 years ago that I haven't been back to.

We hiked in about an hour :shocked03:before we stumbled on a suspicious looking area and we went into search mode!! after a few minutes i noticed a cabin site in a very over grown area and started detecting . There was quite a bit of trash dumped around the site but quickly i got a nice coin like sound but pretty shallow . Barely at 4 inches i pull up a very brown coin (I almost thought it was a dirty clad quarter :lol:) but soon realized it was a bit larger and then seen the bust , thats when i shouted to Brian . "Hey i got a copper" :happydance01: A connecticut copper and after a couple more hours i recovered a few buttons too!
http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/connecticut%20copper%20%20dandy%20and%20plain%20bu ttons_zpscmumexss.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/connecticut%20copper%20%20dandy%20and%20plain%20bu ttons_zpscmumexss.jpg.html)

But the site was very over grown and limited to swing so we moved onto the next site .

After another 20 minute hike we reached the old site I detected many many years ago , it was the first time i was back in about 12 or so years .
http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/matron%20site_zps664evdp7.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/matron%20site_zps664evdp7.jpg.html)

Its almost land locked in by private property so the long hike is the only way in :rolleyes: . Not long after getting started i did get a couple of buttons but could tell some has been there with in the last year or two by the older dig holes here and there. Despite this i still did alright by getting another coin !:bananadance:This signal was very iffy almost like a deep bent nail even though it read at only 8 inches deep . It bounced around on the vdi like iron does but once in a while i would get an upper 80's vdi but not consistent and the tone wasn't coin like but i dig these signals when i get them . As soon as i open the hole up and remove a few large stones the signal screams copper and then the large green disk pops up :grin: that turned out to be an early matron (1819) .
http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/fresh%20matron_zpsjpmrzjcv.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/fresh%20matron_zpsjpmrzjcv.jpg.html)

Brian and I spent most of the day at this site and I did good in the button department and a couple of other brass tinkets .One of the buttons turned out to have some nice gold guilt and an interesting backmark L.H. & S.W.CT. Double Guilt
http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/L.H.amp%20S.%20W.Ct.%20button%20_zpsqssovmwe.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/L.H.amp%20S.%20W.Ct.%20button%20_zpsqssovmwe.jpg.h tml)

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/last%20site_zpsqicdf7db.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/last%20site_zpsqicdf7db.jpg.html)

With time still in the day we left to check on another possible site that we saw on the way to this one . it was a nice large cellar but being on a main road i figured it would be pretty beat . So with about an hour to kill i detected it not expecting much but to my surprise i ad three very high value targets all three were very coin like (one button a large "D" buckle and a huge brass round item ) all were in very obvious spots and shouldn't of been missed . So Brian and I will return to this one and the cabin site soon .

so my keepers (minus the many many shot gun shells and annoying aluminum flat tabs)

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/sept%2019th%20finds%201_zps1opzgedn.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/sept%2019th%20finds%201_zps1opzgedn.jpg.html)

the coppers before cleaning

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/coppers%201_zpslmgx7fzh.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/coppers%201_zpslmgx7fzh.jpg.html)

the matron with the front cleaned

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/1819%20matron%201_zps8xgjhdtx.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/1819%20matron%201_zps8xgjhdtx.jpg.html)

the Connecticut is a 1788 (my first of this year) with the front cleaned

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/Ct.%20obverse%201_zpscf0mkbrs.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/Ct.%20obverse%201_zpscf0mkbrs.jpg.html)

and the orange fungus picture is for HEAVYMETALNUT

http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/del1786/2015%20finds/fungus%202_zpsmfahr6ah.jpg (http://s486.photobucket.com/user/del1786/media/2015%20finds/fungus%202_zpsmfahr6ah.jpg.html)

thanks all for looking !! get out there the weather is really starting cooperate :detecting:


Cheap Thrills
09-20-2015, 03:51 PM
Great finds and pictures . I'm glad to hear the weather is starting to cooperate with you .It's been so hot around here I've only been able to stand short , late evening hunts .

Restoring Your Finds
09-20-2015, 04:36 PM
Nice coins ! May I ask you how you clean your coppers? They look pretty neat.

09-20-2015, 04:55 PM
Great day Dan!
I had a split second of...I wish they invited me? ...but then I quickly read "we hiked in about an hour" ...I immediately understood:lol:
Nice looking coins :clapping:
You ever see that button back mark before? The front must have been no design flat... right?
Do you know what that half moon buckle is for...I've seen one or two and thought it interesting.

09-20-2015, 05:34 PM
Great finds and pictures . I'm glad to hear the weather is starting to cooperate with you .It's been so hot around here I've only been able to stand short , late evening hunts .

Thanks , Cheap Thrills .

Nice coins ! May I ask you how you clean your coppers? They look pretty neat.

Taltahull , the large cent i used warm peroxide to remove the dirt and "chalky" green verdigris . the Connecticut has a crusty brown layer and i just soaked the coin in water for about 20 minutes and then placed it under a heat lamp to see it peal up and flake away when it drys . unfortunately the coin was a bit more porous then i had hoped but its still much improvement . thanks

Great day Dan!
I had a split second of...I wish they invited me? ...but then I quickly read "we hiked in about an hour" ...I immediately understood:lol:
Nice looking coins :clapping:
You ever see that button back mark before? The front must have been no design flat... right?
Do you know what that half moon buckle is for...I've seen one or two and thought it interesting.

Drew , i was expecting you to pm me friday night you would of been most welcome to come along but I figured you were busy , it was a brutal hike. I'm not sure what the buckle went to this one might even be broken . we'll hook up next weekend if you want ??

09-20-2015, 06:21 PM
Great finds! Bet it was worth the long hike. Those coins did clean up really nice...Congrats!

Restoring Your Finds
09-20-2015, 06:33 PM
Taltahull , the large cent i used warm peroxide to remove the dirt and "chalky" green verdigris . the Connecticut has a crusty brown layer and i just soaked the coin in water for about 20 minutes and then placed it under a heat lamp to see it peal up and flake away when it drys . unfortunately the coin was a bit more porous then i had hoped but its still much improvement . thanks

Thanks for the advice. I tried warm peroxide on a V nickel and... well, it sure didn't like it. I'd be afraid to use it on anything now ! After seeing your result, I'll certainly give it a (new) try.
For the CT, the water you used was demineralized I guess?
I always find that properly cleaning copper coins is a very delicate thing. It's almost always been a gamble for me as the result is sometimes far from what I would hope for... :( There is always a fine line between (gently) cleaning and leaving as is.
This said, I am not an expert !
Anyway, congrats on your results. You did a very good job.

Lodge Scent
09-20-2015, 07:27 PM
Congrats on the coppers Dan, The CT cleaned up nicely :yes:. The mushroom is a chicken mushroom. Not bad eating at all. That one may be a bit past its prime though.

09-21-2015, 08:26 AM
Nice, Dan. Now you know that 12 years ago you missed these coins. Saved yourself something to find later on. Or I you have improved in past 12 years. Idk... I have only known you for almost 2 now and I think we've only been on two hunts. Those bent nails suck, but I hate even more those flat pieces that ring like a good VDI. Say a 1" x 3" piece of iron or a 1" no specific shape piece of aluminum/brass. Those items fool me way more often than the bent nails. Good you are taking advantage of the weather. I have to find my all-weather gloves. The brother moved so I got his fire pit. I used the gloves to move the pit and re-arrange the rocks around it. They were just inside garage on top of the small ladder. There were people over that day. Then my parents moved all their crap into my garage while they closed on their house, moving down south as well. I hear the gf offered the gloves to my dad (but could have offered the gardening ones she bought..which are no where near as expensive as the ones I bought for detecting. She didn't specify which gloves she offered). Now the rents are down south with all their stuff and now I cant find the gloves. AND she cannot remember where they are. As in my answer is "They are somewhere in there". So VERY specific... ugh.

BTV Digger
09-21-2015, 08:45 AM
Great finds Dan! Glad to see the long hike paid off and you had some company to share it with as it came out of the ground. I use the same method to clean many of my items and it seems to work well most of the time. You just need to be mindful to check the item/coin often so the H2O2 doesn't take off more than intended.


09-21-2015, 09:08 AM
I tried warm peroxide on a V nickel and... well, it sure didn't like it. I'd be afraid to use it on anything now ! After seeing your result, I'll certainly give it a (new) try.

Oh, I forgot to reply to this. The peroxide wont really do much on a nickel. Only the brass/copper type items has It worked for with my finds. Nickels there was something with Worcestershire sauce and ketchup that works. I tried it once on a nickel. It does still have a pink hue from the red nickels normally become, but there is some greyness now. Its quite dull and it looks like the lettering is now funky and not as sharp. It was only a 1940 regular nickel.

The Rebel
09-21-2015, 10:16 AM
WTG on the saves Dan, especially the CT. Still looking for my 1st 1700's coin this season.

Trooper Bri
09-21-2015, 10:41 AM
That Matron cleaned up nice Dan. Congrats on the CT copper too!
It was a bit of a march, but worth it. Managed a few new finds Saturday. Thanks for the hunt, always a good time exploring the woods!
I just got some pics done of my finds and will post them up a little later.

09-21-2015, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the advice. I tried warm peroxide on a V nickel and... well, it sure didn't like it. I'd be afraid to use it on anything now ! After seeing your result, I'll certainly give it a (new) try.
For the CT, the water you used was demineralized I guess?
I always find that properly cleaning copper coins is a very delicate thing. It's almost always been a gamble for me as the result is sometimes far from what I would hope for... :( There is always a fine line between (gently) cleaning and leaving as is.
This said, I am not an expert !
Anyway, congrats on your results. You did a very good job.

Yes distilled water is best to use , nickles are a couple of metals composed together and is why they can be a bit more difficult to clean and usually come out very "grainy" or porous looking.

Congrats on the coppers Dan, The CT cleaned up nicely :yes:. The mushroom is a chicken mushroom. Not bad eating at all. That one may be a bit past its prime though.

no eating wild fungus for me Jeff :lol: , thanks

Nice, Dan. Now you know that 12 years ago you missed these coins. Saved yourself something to find later on. Or I you have improved in past 12 years. Idk...

the one site i got the matron head was the only site i was at 12 years ago Jim and even then it was only for about an hour or so , hardly any time to cover a lot of area . the coin was in a far back corner i never explored. thanks

Great finds Dan! Glad to see the long hike paid off and you had some company to share it with as it came out of the ground. I use the same method to clean many of my items and it seems to work well most of the time. You just need to be mindful to check the item/coin often so the H2O2 doesn't take off more than intended.


Good advice John , "Little at a time" is my motto when it comes to coin cleaning. thanks

WTG on the saves Dan, especially the CT. Still looking for my 1st 1700's coin this season.

Thank you Roger , you will definitely get one soon . I just hope its a really good one !

09-21-2015, 04:23 PM
Great finds! Bet it was worth the long hike. Those coins did clean up really nice...Congrats!

Digger_O'Dell its been about a year since my last Connecticut copper so this one really made my day right off the bat . Thank you

That Matron cleaned up nice Dan. Congrats on the CT copper too!
It was a bit of a march, but worth it. Managed a few new finds Saturday. Thanks for the hunt, always a good time exploring the woods!
I just got some pics done of my finds and will post them up a little later.

Thanks Brian , It was a good time as always . looking toward seeing those finds .

09-24-2015, 08:45 PM
Nice Coppers Dan, how I would love to dig a State Copper one day so glad your long walk paid off!

09-25-2015, 04:50 PM
Well I suspected the Connecticut to be a rare variety but some of the experts are torn or stumped as to just what it is :thinkingabout::thinkingabout:they can't disclaim what i thought it was , "could be " or "could be another variety all together " :wow:wouldn't that be great finding a "new variety" not yet discovered :daydream: So after very toughly scrutinizing it i'm pretty convinced its not a new type but an "extremely rare"(by coinfacts standards) 1788 Miller 16.7-P. and a URS-5 rarity rating by the Whitman's encyclopedia for colonials (9 to 16 examples).

Nice Coppers Dan, how I would love to dig a State Copper one day so glad your long walk paid off!

Tony , your welcome out here any time my friend :yes:
