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View Full Version : token thingie ??

10-30-2015, 05:37 PM
three nights ago i was invited by mango ave to detect a house he had permission for, along with my 2 walking liberty halves i found this.
it reads 49 state , the great market of the st Louis globe campaign democrat and on the back it has like a map thing with st Louis circled in the middle.
any ideas ????

10-30-2015, 06:41 PM
Here's a photo of one like it that's in good condition.


I think it's a token from radio station KMOX that covered Lindberg's transatlantic flight-their motto was "Capitol of the 49th State"

10-30-2015, 07:16 PM
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was a daily paper from 1852-1986. But, the 49th state is Alaska. I think this token predates Alaska being admitted to the Union and is referring to the distribution area of the paper to Missouri and parts of four other states.

10-30-2015, 09:14 PM
Long before Alaska was made the 49th state the the area covered by the St. Louis Globe-democrat was popularly known as the 49th state.

http://fultonhistory.com/newspaper%2011/New%20York%20Evening%20Post/New%20York%20NY%20Evening%20Post%201925%20Grayscal e/New%20York%20NY%20Evening%20Post%201925%20Grayscal e%20-%200718.pdf

Full Metal Digger
10-30-2015, 10:30 PM
Probably has something to do with Hawaii.... just kidding. A great token! What about the 2 WLH's? Let's see them too. HH, Dave.