View Full Version : Romans in america ???

11-09-2015, 03:56 PM
"how am i ever going to beat this ?" was the words that came out of my mate Chris's mouth when he found this at 12 inches .
yep, its a roman coin found on the bit of grass that runs between the road and the path in our home town.
its from 326AD, minted in Istanbul during the reign of emperor Acadius , its actually a roman dnarcadi , the words read , Gloria romanorvm and the back shows the emperor holding the globe , funny actually when you think about it , in 326 the Romans new the world was round but by the 14 hundreds we had forgotten that and it was flat ??? lol.
the romantic view of how this coin got here is the Romans where here in the good old USA but in the real world im thinking a colonialist had it as a good luck charm or something and dropped it.
anyway here is a couple of pictures.
Chris would of posted these himself but cant remember his password for the site.

11-09-2015, 04:23 PM
Those people were "roaming" everywhere. I was waiting to see this coin! I'm wondering if he should get it cleaned, but it looks brittle on the edges. I still think the media would do a story on this!

11-09-2015, 04:27 PM
Those people were "roaming" everywhere. I was waiting to see this coin! I'm wondering if he should get it cleaned, but it looks brittle on the edges. I still think the media would do a story on this!
he actually works for NBC as a camera man, ill suggest it to him drew.

11-09-2015, 05:56 PM
Nice find Chris (maybe some of your Italian forefathers lost it)!

11-09-2015, 06:30 PM
So take that UK.....:lol:. Yup that's right we got them over here also. Please tell Chris that he can't beat this.

Cheap Thrills
11-09-2015, 07:11 PM
However or whenever it got here that is one cool find .:congrats:

11-09-2015, 07:42 PM
That's really a surprise find! I'm sure it was likely lost either by someone passing by, or a kid playing daddy'e coin collection. But again, nobody will ever know for sure. It wasn't until recently that they admitted that the Vikings were here about 500 years before Columbus "discovered" America, so maybe there could have been a Roman exploration team here.

11-10-2015, 05:40 AM
WoW - what a find in the states :shocked04: Congrats!

That's really a surprise find! I'm sure it was likely lost either by someone passing by, or a kid playing daddy'e coin collection. But again, nobody will ever know for sure. It wasn't until recently that they admitted that the Vikings were here about 500 years before Columbus "discovered" America, so maybe there could have been a Roman exploration team here.

DoD you beat me to the viking reference. I was going to say a Viking carrying it as a souvenir lost it.

11-10-2015, 07:38 AM
Interesting, Lee, about the reference to the world shape. Science was adapted by the church sometime around the 14th/15th century BY the church to explain the universe. Obvi around that time is when historical monuments like the coliseum were desecrated for iron to make weapons. Maybe telling the people the world was now flat was their way to put fear into people. idk. I wasn't around then. And then the late 1400s, is when Spain tried to sail around the world. You'd go crazy trying to figure out what was going through people's minds back then. Cuz a hundred years later to that last reference, now people were witches....

That's now two found in the same general area of the state. I am gonna have to ask Rog what the date of his roman coin was and an exact depth. I'll see him tomorrow at the meeting. I think it was a token from the old world (Europe) when they emigrated to the US (Idr if it was only referred to as the new world back then). That's a nice find tho. I wonder what my Tpro would do against his older model coinmaster.

11-10-2015, 03:33 PM
. I wonder what my Tpro would do against his older model coinmaster.[/QUOTE]
mate im telling ya , the old coinmaster is the best detector on the planet !!! i had one when i started detecting over here and it found me more great stuff than the F4 and the AT pro put together.
Chris has had his for 3 years now and has had as many coppers as me, Spanish cobs, and some other very deep coins (12+inches).
its been up against v3i ,ctx , E tracks and beaten them hands down, i only got rid of mine because it was single tone.

11-11-2015, 12:02 PM
mate im telling ya , the old coinmaster is the best detector on the planet !!! i had one when i started detecting over here and it found me more great stuff than the F4 and the AT pro put together.
Chris has had his for 3 years now and has had as many coppers as me, Spanish cobs, and some other very deep coins (12+inches).
its been up against v3i ,ctx , E tracks and beaten them hands down, i only got rid of mine because it was single tone.

Apparently you didn't realize the Coinmaster series is being phased out and the Treasure Master series was their replacement. As in new model vs old model. This is too new to make any claims yet but it is ridiculously sensitive. Oh, and being the newer model, it also has 1,2,4, or 8 tones. Not just one.

11-11-2015, 06:25 PM
Apparently you didn't realize the Coinmaster series is being phased out and the Treasure Master series was their replacement. As in new model vs old model. This is too new to make any claims yet but it is ridiculously sensitive. Oh, and being the newer model, it also has 1,2,4, or 8 tones. Not just one.

with the 8 tones that may persuade me to get one as a 3rd back up machine.