View Full Version : Last couple hunts

12-04-2015, 12:38 AM
Hi All,
Recently I located a park that I had not known about before and did some more research on it. I found a newspaper article dating it back to at least the 1920's when the local politicians tried to rename it and found the person who willed the land had the stipulation that the name had to remain or the land would revert back to the family. So I researched the person who had willed it to the county and found he was a Lt. Col. during the Civil War. So that dates the land as being in use during that time at least.

I had hopes that it hadn't been pounded too badly in the past and spent 2 mornings searching. But as has been the story lately there were no good targets below 4 inches at most and nothing older than late 1960's coins. Other than a key, everything else was typical ghetto neighborhood trash. I still have hope that there may still be something good left there, so I will be back eventually


I tried another approach and after a lot more research and poring over the maps I located a potentially great site. It is an old nunnery and school that far as I can tell was built sometime around the late 1800's. Unfortunately there are no records I can find, no documentation on the particular order, and no date on the building. Just the banner stone reading "S S Of Notre Dame", or School Sisters or Notre Dame. It's now run as a government social services facility, so open to hunting. I had high hopes for this property, but so far hasn't produced coins as hoped as it's turned out to be mostly a field of pennies of which only 1 was a wheatie. Odd again as only the wheatie was below that 4 inch mark, and that was along the edge the sidewalk. This makes me highly suspect that this yard has also been pounded previously.
On the plus side, it did produce a couple firsts and some interesting finds. I did manage to pull my first watch which just goes to show a Timex may take a licking, but won't keep ticking! :lol: I also found an odd brass piece and an old drawer pull which looks sort of art deco style. Lastly, I found what appears to be a very early lipstick tube. It has an odd shape peak at the end, and is made of brass with rolled rings on the tube. The butt end looks to be maybe gold plated as it came out bright and shiny as opposed to the brass end. It also has a floral decoration around the outside diameter. The best surprise is that it still has dark ruby red lipstick in it.



12-04-2015, 10:46 AM
Yeah I would keep trying that Nunnery for sure. Try around the outside perimeter of the property where others may have missed. There has got to be something old there hiding.

12-04-2015, 07:38 PM
Yeah I would keep trying that Nunnery for sure. Try around the outside perimeter of the property where others may have missed. There has got to be something old there hiding.

That was my thought, and that's what I detected first. Still have a little middle area out front to do, and the lot next to it where they tore down some buildings before the 1990 aerial photo. Next previous aerial photo is 1963 where they were still standing. LOTS of debris left behind, so will have to break out the small coil.

12-05-2015, 05:47 AM
Definitely go back. That site does have some serious potential.

12-05-2015, 08:18 AM
keep at it! you're bound to find the right spot!

12-05-2015, 06:51 PM
Maybe Timex can take a licking, but they can't be buried for 50 yrs:lol:
Maybe they brought dirt in so the deep stuff is lost...?

12-05-2015, 07:44 PM
Maybe Timex can take a licking, but they can't be buried for 50 yrs:lol:
Maybe they brought dirt in so the deep stuff is lost...?

Went back this morning for a couple hours despite my lack of sleep for work tonight. This time I used the 6 inch coil to get into all the nooks and crannies and to get through the patches of heavy debris from the buildings that were torn down at the adjacent lot which is now a community garden. Literally peppered with memorial pennies, but nothing old. Once again all at about 3 inches or less. Found 2 late 60's clad quarters and a 1980 dime-nothing to brag about. Along the foundation is about 2 inches top soil and the pea gravel, so I'm pretty sure a major dig out and refill was done to this yard likely in the 1970's or 80's judging by the coins I found. Total clad for the day was $1.28, mostly pennies. Starting to feel the agony of defeat here! :disgusted:

Did stop at another old church and house/office from the turn of the century in the same area and found the same thing-nothing below about 2-3 inches and soft soil. Obviously a fill job once again and only minimal clad and trash in the tiny grassy areas. One more church from 1878 also produced nothing but a 3 inch copper disc with a rolled edge that looks like a cap or cover to something, and a few zincolns. I do get a little worried about hunting in the worst part of town, but at 6:00 AM and especially when it's cold out the hood rats are still indoors. Other than a couple people waiting for a bus, one homeless drunk and a hooker, it was pretty quiet.

I discovered that not too far away is a home from 1850, which is one of the oldest in the city still standing and hope to get permission there. Huge park like yard - maybe several acres. Going to maybe wait until spring and keep my fingers crossed here that I can get access.

Cheap Thrills
12-07-2015, 12:05 AM
If it's any consolation , you're doing better than I am . Wer'e finally starting to get some decent rainfall . Hopefully it puts a little life in the old spots as new opportunities have become very rare .