View Full Version : Coppers, Colonial relics, and lots of fun with friends!

12-29-2015, 02:42 PM
I haven't posted for a few weeks on here and I apologize about that. This post is pretty picture heavy so let that serve as a warning. Anyways I got out with several people over the past few weeks including both Sam and Isaac (on this forum) and Jarrod. Sam found a virgin colonial cellar hole with me one hunt (he's already posted). We hit the place twice I scored a 1746 KGII and a blank disk (Copper's 25 & 26 FTY) alongside two pewter buttons and some shoe buckle frags. The site was very early, probably only inhabited 60 or so years and abandoned prior to the revolutionary war. We did not find any dandy buttons or tombacs. Anyways I got out with Isaac another day and we rehit a bunch of cellars. We got a little bit from each site but nothing incredible or amazing. I still had a lot of fun though. Saturday I went to a few sites in the morning but they were all very poor so I decided to go back to the cellar hole where I found the gold coin in 2014. I scored a crushed thimble and a button before getting a blip high tone signal on the "mound" right next to the cellar hole. It rang a solid 85 out of the hole. Turned out to be a 1783 KGIII Hibernia (Copper 27 FTY). Very surprising find as I've swung over that mound countless times but I'll happily take it. On Sunday I thought I was hitting a nice Colonial center chimney cellar hole with Jarrod but it turn out the cellar had been reused into some kind of concrete structure with trash everywhere and backhoe marks on the ground. Throw in a few dig holes and it looked like the site was gonna be so bad we were gonna be wasting ourme. WRONG! Apparently the bulldozers had pushed all the older targets to the top of the dirt piles as Jarrod found a shoe buckle frame, a fatty indian, a toasted copper, and a pewter button all within an inch of the surface. I scored three flat buttons. Never judge a site by the way it looks on the surface. We were gonna hit another site in the area but there were too many hunters so we called it a day. Monday I took Isaac to some sites in Rhode Island (All on Private property with Permission). It was a long drive but I knew these sites had the chance to produce. First site was on the maps and was likely built circa 1840. Isaac's first target was a civil war zouave button (one of three zuoave buttons from this site). Isaac also scored a 1822 Matron head large cent and I dug an 1864 fatty indian. We are pretty sure this cellar hole was virgin, or very very lighly hit, not every cellar hole is going to produce a ton of coins and most of the targets were close to the cellar hole and pretty obvious. Not too much trash here so we were pretty happy. The 2nd site we thought was gonna be a goldmine (and it may still be) but it was totally trashed. Isaac dug a 1940 silver quarter, a wheat penny spill, and a few relics. I dug a wheat penny, a dandy button, and a few other things. I might go back there by myself and work through the trash but its gonna take a lot of patience. We didn't stay very long. I wasn't sure if the third location we had marked was even going to be a site but there it was, a very small rock filled depression with iron around it. Isaac got a spill of buttons (one pewter, one tombac, and one brass). These people were dirt poor millers, so poor in fact they didn't even wear matching buttons on their jackets. Isaac got a 1787 CT copper here and I scored what looks to be a small cannon ball inside of the cellar hole. Other than the usual shot gun shells and bullets and a random wheatie, those were our only targets here. The 4th site was also very poor. It was a small depression in front of a very small stone wall lined former farm field. I knew it was a site only when we heard the iron, saw the rocks, and saw a chunk of a colonial brick. Nothing here except for some kind of saddle shield that Isaac dug. That was it. I had a great day despite the cold. We did a lot of walking but it was worth it. Happy hunting everyone! 52169521675216852170521715217252173521755217452177 52176521785217952180521815218252183521845218552186 52187521885218952190

12-29-2015, 02:45 PM
great coins and relics Jim and great looking areas some have tons of swinging room to keep you busy . :perfect10:

12-29-2015, 07:46 PM
Thanks for inviting me, I had a lot of fun! Congrats on the finds!

Lodge Scent
12-29-2015, 10:05 PM
Nice finds ! Great looking sites.

12-29-2015, 10:24 PM
Wow, that's quite a selection of finds spanning a few centuries. Well done and congrats! :congrats:

12-29-2015, 11:45 PM
Swell finds! Looks like you guys had fun

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12-30-2015, 07:49 AM
A few nice coppers. Still looking for a Hibernia. One of the large dandies I got looks really close to yours. Lol, as good as Sam with the upside down pics, I see....

The Rebel
12-30-2015, 10:34 AM
Awesome sites as well as the finds!

12-31-2015, 06:40 AM
Your photos of the sites are great. As Dan stated, lots of room to swing. Overall some very nice finds accumulated.

BTV Digger
01-01-2016, 11:31 AM
Nice looking sites and congrats on the relics. Especially like the Zuoave buttons and the mini-cannonball. Being out with friends does make the hunt more enjoyable for sure! The site by the lake looks like there's a ton of room to swing there.


01-01-2016, 04:04 PM
Yes, lots of cool area....get out there before the snow!!