View Full Version : Frozen ground....duh

02-22-2016, 01:50 PM
We had a few days in the 50s here in Milwaukee and I thought I would head out when it was only 30 and windy on Sunday. Went to a new place and got some nice deep signals. As I am attempting to dig through frozen dirt (top layer was unfrozen to about 3"), it dawned on me that I am a little anxious to hit the dirt. I dug my first 82 signal on the AT Pro (usually a dime) at 6" and after 30 minutes of slowly scrapping away frozen dirt, the bottle cap came out of the ground.

Still nice to get out there though and just get a feel for the ground. Had some nice deep (hopefully silver) signals, but I didn't want to dig. Probably would just damage the coin. Got .60 cents in Clad and 2 frozen hands. I will do that any day over watching TV. 52860

02-22-2016, 01:56 PM
I think we have all been there and attempted to go detecting in less than desirable conditions! At least you got out though.

02-22-2016, 02:35 PM
I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person, but when it dawns on me 20 minutes into a dig as to why it is so hard to dig...... I was thinking it was due to heavy equipment tearing down a bunch of old homes 15 years ago, then it hit me... You are right though, at least I went out. Just had to laugh at myself.

wisconsin digger
02-22-2016, 06:50 PM
Look for places on slopes. I hunted Saturday and found several strips ofg ground completely thawed. I hunted in Mayville so it was farther north. I was shocked to find anything thawed. May try it again saturday. Your right, ,regardless, it's nice to get out in february. WD

02-22-2016, 09:43 PM
Still nice to get out even in the cold! I try wooded areas where the soil is loose. Even frozen, it's digable