View Full Version : Last Five Days

02-24-2016, 06:10 PM
I was able to get out this past weekend, and a few hours Monday. The 2 cent is 1864, the buff 1937, the Barbers are 1899 and 1902. The bill holder isn't silver... and it has a weird modernist curved line over the design. My tombacs have been superb of late, as have my ox knobs :lol:

Full Metal Digger
02-24-2016, 07:11 PM
Great finds! That 2 cent sure shows some wear from heavy circulation. You sure that bill holder isn't silver? Sure looks it. I don't see any signs of corrosion from a base metal (if it were plated that is). HH, Dave.

02-24-2016, 07:22 PM
Wow. That's the most worn out two cent I've seen dug! I especially love that money clip! It's a beauty. Great hunts!

Ill Digger
02-24-2016, 08:30 PM
Nice mixed bag of goodies there Drew :thumbsup02:
I've gotta agree with the others, that's one worn 2 center :shocked01:
Congrats on the keepers! :grin:
Even though ox knobs seem to be a, .....a less desirable find :lol:, I was actually hoping to find one while I was out buy you guys last fall.

Lodge Scent
02-24-2016, 10:34 PM
Glad to see you are getting out Drew. Several nice finds in the mix. I have the twin to that ornate piece second from right in the top row.

02-24-2016, 11:23 PM
I've been dying lately because the weather has been great but my machine is still in Oregon :needadrink::girlcry:

Nice assortment of goodies Drew :cheering: I would love to see the reverse of the money clip

02-25-2016, 07:42 AM
Thanks, guys! Dave, I thought that clip was silver when I first saw it, but the back shows the underneath...unless that's just stain from the iron clip part..?

I kid about those knobs Tim, but I do like finding them....and if I only find a knob I don't consider it a skunking. I guess the problem is, although they're fun to find, they're always a let down in the hole as you think it's a copper.

Jeff, I also have a mate!:) Yours have a nice engraved design too?

Thanks, Dan.... do you know what that round buckle is for? I've found a few of them and one still had the iron pin. They are elegantly tapered.

Lodge Scent
02-25-2016, 08:00 AM
Yep, nice engraved design Drew. I was thinking it was furniture related ??

Could that hoop be a nose ring for an Ox ??

02-25-2016, 08:40 AM
I thought they were saddle decorations Jeff but furniture plates sound plausible too. I do know that my two were found at different sites but have the same decoration.

When I first found one of those hoops I thought it was a nose ring but then I found another with an iron pin, like a buckle.

Digger Don
02-25-2016, 12:07 PM
Worn or not, Gotta love finding Two Centers. Great find.
Not to mention all the other cools finds you dug :congrats:

02-26-2016, 09:26 AM
Great finds! Congrats!