View Full Version : My First Barber Half, 1909, Bottom feeder?

05-29-2016, 07:54 AM
Me and a buddy were detecting a old 1860s house. We were finding wheats about 2 to 3 inches down. I was in one area and heard a 10-46 o the e-trac Dug down only 2 inches and there was a 1909 Barber half. I look up and my buddy was only 10 feet away and was coming my way detecting. He called me a "bottom Feeder" because I was in "his area" and I was creeping over to his area and hew would have found that barber i about 1 minute later. We have been hunting for 3 years and first time this had ever happened. He wanted me to tell this story when I post my find. He did find a 1853 half dime and rosie. Also found a 1920s gem razer. A sash buckle, and a lock. Gave all that to the owner except the half dollar. Also found a 1909 Indian.5455654557

05-29-2016, 08:40 AM
Bottom feeder? Lmao..too funny! Great find on that half. I was in a situation similar to that not long ago. I was hunting with some buddies and i found my first walking half. Turns out one of the others had just gone over the same area a short while before. No idea how he missed it, but for a moment when I showed him the coin, I briefly got "the look"! So it happens to everyone I guess, hope no hard feelings were had in the end. GL&HH

05-29-2016, 08:52 AM
No. After the find he was "Ok pick the area in this yard U want to hunt. And stay in that area." We have a good time. Sometimes when He finds a good item I give him the high sign. Just good fun. That gives me 3 halves total for my 3 years hunting. Found a 1945 half 2014, 1822 half 2015, and now a 1909 half 2016. Found my First Barber quarter this year also. Found the 1909 Indian the same day as the barber. GO figure same date.

05-29-2016, 12:55 PM
Lol! Congrats on the barber half! Did the 1909 Indian have a MM?

05-29-2016, 01:29 PM
I just checked the IH. It actually is a 1900. Blind as a bat.

leslie(nova scotia)
05-29-2016, 06:27 PM
Awesome score me son!

Digger Don
05-30-2016, 06:56 AM
Great job on the Barber Half. Congrats

wisconsin digger
05-30-2016, 08:28 PM
Great find and I don't think he has much to complain about as the 1/2 dime has to be considered the rarer of the 2 finds. Great hunt guys and next time tell him you will gladly swap finds!! WD

05-31-2016, 07:18 AM
Yes more valuable but I needed this one for my bucket list. I already have a 1853-0 half dime like the one he found. Cant want to go out hunting again. He did crush it yesterday with 4 slivers, a barber quarter, SLQ quarter and 2 other silver dimes. If I went with him I might have snagged one of them LOL

Tony Two-Cent
05-31-2016, 08:36 AM
Congrats on the Barber Half Dollar! That is a terrific find for sure! I bet it put a big smile on your face! :yes: :clapping:


Fire Fighter 43
05-31-2016, 07:18 PM
Congrats on a BIG first, WTG.

06-01-2016, 10:07 AM
Lol. I got that once. And I was almost in his shoes once as well. One time at a 1752 house that was already detected I hadn't found much, yet already a ring and a few wheats were pulled up but not by me. I went over this small area to the side of the front walk, but not thoroughly and I was still in the area. Well, just after there was a 1911 barber half that got pulled up.
The other time was more recently when a 1908 token was dug up and I went near the area because I wasn't finding anything where I was swinging. But then I got the brooch, and sash clasp, and a pin and there were two other signals. He was jealous that all the sudden I was scoring quite a bit and told me I was taking over his area.

Nice score on the barber half.

06-01-2016, 12:12 PM
All in good fun. The best part of hunting with a buddy is U can share the moment of the find and give each hell about that was my coin, my spot, etc All good times