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View Full Version : The Good, the bad and the Ugly of Detecting (plus the Amazing)

wisconsin digger
07-04-2016, 04:53 PM
With no plans (other then a Wedding Saturday) for the Holiday weekend I planned on doing a LOT of swinging. THE GOOD: Friday after work I decided to travel a bit and hit an old Baseball field. One diamond was in use with a game and the other kids were practicing on. Left with only the fringes I hunted for 2 hours and found a Washington, 2 Mercs and a few Wheats. Good start to the weekend. With Saturday not in play I decide on a long road trip upnorth with 2 or 3 stops. THE GOOD II: 1st stop was a park I've hit before but had moderate luck. This time proved the same, but a guy went out of his way to track me down and let me know of a tear up of an old Park. I checked it out and missed the exposed ground by a couple of days but it was a nice effort of the guy to help me out. THE BAD: Next stop was an old Park I have also hit before and found some nice finds. When I get there I see the entire area I want to hunt closed off by yellow caution tape. It was fireworks in the park day and I was out of luck. 1 Wheat and 2 pennies by the car and I was on my way again. THE UGLY: Last stop was a park I researched and found an old baseball field from before the early 40's. 45 minutes into the hunt I had a Barber dime. a Merc and a War Nickel. Next thing I know I have a guy on the other side of the fence asking me why I am digging holes in their baseball field. I offered to have him come and inspect my holes out, but he wanted nothing to do with it and kept mumbling about all the kids stepping in the holes. I gave up and left. Ouch, that hurt as this field looked to be really nice. Maybe I can hit it in fall when no one is using it. Some times no matter how you explain your hobby people assume the worst. Best thing to do is leave as the next time you show up it will probably have a bunch of "No Detecting" signs. With that bummer experience I quit for the day. 1st time in 5 years I met up with a detector GRUMP. THE AMAZING: Monday I had no plans so I went to a special mass at a 1857 Church. Great little Church and it was a full house. After Mass my wife took her Aunt and 91 year old mother to Lunch so I thought I would hit the grass again. Went down the road a few miles from the Church and hit another baseball field. Focused on an area I never hunted I began to find silver and wheats like the old days. After 3 hours I had 4 Washingtons, 5 Mercs, 2 Rosies, a 1944 Philipines coin and a dozen wheats. Best day I can remember in a long time. Best thing is as I was heading back to the car I found 4 more silver and I did not hunt half the area. I'll hit this again after some rain as the ground was so dry it was like sand. What a great end to an up and down weekend. Keep swinging Wisconsin Digger

Digger Don
07-04-2016, 05:29 PM
Holy Crap, You killed it. Awesome hunts and even better finds.

07-04-2016, 05:59 PM
Great week! You did the right thing with mr grump butt...just go back in the fall early or late in the day.

07-04-2016, 08:34 PM
Great finds! Lots of keepers for sure. I can relate to the detecting grumps, met a LOT of them the past few months.

wisconsin digger
07-05-2016, 07:00 PM
No doubt we don't get the benefit of the doubt in this Hobby. I still prefer to talk things over with anyone who has questions because if we don't stick up for the Hobby at times we'll keep losing out on hunting areas. This is the first time in 5 years I couldn't explain what I do is not damaging and when I show them all the garbage I pick up they usually appreciate that as well. I'll take all the good people I've met over the 1 grump. Keep swinging Wisconsin Digger

leslie(nova scotia)
07-06-2016, 07:19 AM
A full house of nice finds.