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View Full Version : Rain Sweet Rain

08-01-2016, 07:48 AM
Here in Central New York it has been a very dry season. My lawn has been crunchy brown for weeks on end. Digging in the dirt has been like digging in crumbly powder. But we have rain now. I have gotten three inches in my back yard in the last 24 hours and it is coming down nice and gentle at the moment.

I feel bad for the folks down Maryland way but we desperately need the rain around here. The farmers were getting worried and us dirt diggers were not thrilled with the dryness either.

I understand you folks up New England way could use some of this rain. Hopefully this weather front passes your way and gives you some relief.

08-01-2016, 07:03 PM
Yeah its been extremely dry here in Connecticut , Brian and I were out yesterday (in the rain) but it only penetrated to an inch or so and the rest of the 8 or 9 inch holes were like talcum powder . We need a good steady rain for a couple of days !

Lodge Scent
08-01-2016, 07:26 PM
Keep that rain dance going Beartoe and send some to southeast MA. Pretty parched here too. I don't water, but my lawn is pretty green. Actually the clover and other weeds are pretty green.....not sure I have any grass left. But it looks good :)