View Full Version : It's A Relic. Kinda Sorta.

08-13-2016, 12:23 PM
Now that I have my camera repaired I thought I would test it out with a find I made a couple months ago.

I frequent the local VA Hospital for my medical needs. Thru out the hospital are book carts filled with books that have been donated from all over America. The sign on the cart says Free Books, so I often help myself to interesting books. This book caught my eye.

Button Classics by L. Erwina Couse and Marguerite Maple. Copyright 1941 Lightner Publishing Co. Chicago

It is such an interesting book I have spent a large amount of time looking and learning all about buttons. I had no idea there was such enthusiasm for these little fasteners.

I selected the Military Button page as an example of the books content but the breath of subject matter on buttons is really amazing. The era of buttons is a colorful part of our past and as such I thought it qualified as an Artifact even if it was an eye catch.

Is anyone familiar with this book?


08-13-2016, 03:09 PM
I never knew the book existed , great find and the pictures look good too !:thumbsup02:

08-14-2016, 07:24 PM
That looks like a great resource! I just looked and our central library has a copy, I'll have to check it out.

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