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View Full Version : My second Deus

Fire Fighter 43
09-30-2016, 02:39 PM
I pulled the trigger and bought another XP Deus. I had one for a short time 3 years ago but kept going back to the CTX, so I sold it. I never really gave myself it a good chance to learn the machine like I should have. I did regret selling it and always planned on getting another someday. After messing up my shoulder again and my elbow tendinitis flaring up, I thought it was time. The pending update and new wireless XP pinpointer also helped with the decision. You can not beat the weight and the fact that XP is very dedicated to keeping it updated and adding new products. I kept all my old notes and programs so I loaded a few and took it out a couple times this week. It was a very good start with a new machine. See my post in Coinshooting stories.

09-30-2016, 04:27 PM
Other than in photos or video I've never had the opportunity to see one, much less have the opportunity to even try one out. At the time I got my CTX, the Deus was still a mystery and nobody really seemed to know much about them.

Fire Fighter 43
09-30-2016, 10:06 PM
Other than in photos or video I've never had the opportunity to see one, much less have the opportunity to even try one out.

Next time we get together you will have to check it out. The only thing is, you might have to get one then. LOL

calabash digger
10-14-2016, 08:20 PM
its a solid machine no doubt.