View Full Version : More Bells and a hard weekend before

10-18-2016, 02:50 PM
The first weekend this month I got to a spot with a hunting buddy from ytc and the gf came along. We went to try out this field I was hearing a bunch of targets in. This is a major area with fields. Well, I think someone might have seen me walking near there from the previous weekend cuz this time when we got there I saw some predug holes. I was asking the gf if she was digging those and at first she did say so... but once we got further into the field she was pointing out there was other holes. We didn't get any luck. Across the street was the same thing. I took a pic. This must be a noob cuz these are horrible holes.
Down the street was another cellar with a huge barn foundation. Not much other than big iron targets. Even the field across the street was silent. WTH??? :hairpulling:We were almost thinking the machines were bad cuz almost always do people forget across the street into the old fields. And place #3 wasn't too good either. It is a big place. Much land to cover. I saw an orchard in the old aerial. Tried there with no success. Saw a dense area behind the cellar and tried there.. junk. Finally after seeing this cart path behind this cellar I saw a well. Right near was an ox knob. I thought my machine was going crazy cuz nothing but iron clicks and grunts the whole day and all the sudden an 80s VDI that was solid. My second with the horn still inside. I was intrigued to see that for some odd reason they not only cut the horn, they also drilled it in the center after the knob went on.
This weekend I got back to a spot I been wanting to get back to. I found a few crotals there last time. Well, this time I found a few more. First target was a little ways away from the cellar and was the first hole. That was the smaller (not smallest) bell. And a bit back of the area was the medium one. Three out of the 4 still have a ringer inside. The medium one was the find this time and I can see the "A." for the maker mark. The biggest has GA&W. There was only one maker with the 'A' name.. so it has to be the same. I can almost see a W, but I didn't wanna say It was def because it was close and looked like it might be scratches. I found a few other odds there and the place will warrant another trip. Maybe with the small coil when I get the Tpro and coil(s) back. Idk what the piece between bell and reed is in the last of following pics. It looks like it is plated and a hollow cylinder. Maybe part of a cane or handle to some blade.
Sunday was more of a pic day. I had no idea of the site with the chimney still there. I didn't say long as it was trashy. I'm sure its evident from the pic. I didn't walk any further to see of there were any other sites. I went back to the first two I took a quick peek at when I got there. I only found a thumb watch winder piece.
So I decided to go where I found the two LC spill. I figured if I had the old machine I could run the hotter sensitivity and find the stuff I was missing by having a lower sense on the new machine. It only netted me a button, a thin ornate brass piece (like an escutcheon) for Jensen's, and a tag from the 60's/70's for veterans that was a fob. The pic for the Jensen's where the words are clearer is the back; I just flipped the pic so words were correct.
This brass plate idr where I found it. I think it was the field where someone tried to tell me was private. It just went in the bin for a while. I thought those raised letters were just ink like you see on some flat stock iron (that look like plywood markings). Turns out it has a date of 1905. Not sure what Pattern signifies. Below it def says "size" although the pic doesn't show it well.
I had to add a pic. I think this the 8th. I got out wih Kev after hitting a farm field with only a buckle find. This cellar I went to the far edge of the prop toward the stone walls. I found this little path. It was def built up to have a car or whatever drive on. I found a spill of wheats, another wheat, and a 22 cent spill of modern coins. Lol.

10-18-2016, 04:46 PM
Jim, I can't keep up with all your finds!! :lol: Two bells!!??? I've never had a two bell hunt!! Love the bottom of that bell too. A big congrats!!

10-19-2016, 05:39 AM
Super nice finds on those bells, I think I saw the W also. How many do you have now? That tag with 1905 Pattern on it is very interesting. Some cool pictures, they always seem to remind me of one of the reasons I do this detecting thing.

10-19-2016, 02:34 PM
Jim, I can't keep up with all your finds!! :lol: Two bells!!??? I've never had a two bell hunt!! Love the bottom of that bell too. A big congrats!!

:lol: Do I find too many relics? I am looking into cases for all them things. Idk how I'd display the bells, tho. Drew... that was the same site when you mentioned last time about how many bells I could find at one site. Hey, can't knock it. Thanks.

Side note I am happy the gf is making efforts to secure some permissions. There is one guy we might be able to do a ring return for and his place used to be on old farm fields. And another she just got was a 63 acre wooded area where an old school once sat. Now I gotta look into another one where there is a cellar but there are no signs at all in the new aerial.. and it's private (which doesn't guarantee is hasn't been touched.. just less likely it was).

Super nice finds on those bells, I think I saw the W also. How many do you have now? That tag with 1905 Pattern on it is very interesting. Some cool pictures, they always seem to remind me of one of the reasons I do this detecting thing.

Thanks, Al. It really does look like a W in the pic, however the larger bell has the maker in an arch on the 'top' side with the EHC on the 'bottom' side. This one has the A and possible W in a linear print on the 'bottom' side. I think I have around 20 bells now. Thanks, I like to take the pics sometimes with hiking. Those would be the reasons I would hike (if not detecting).

Lodge Scent
10-20-2016, 08:29 AM
Nice finds Jim. Nice pics too! The ox knob with the horn still in it is a very cool find. :congrats:

10-20-2016, 08:55 AM
Lots of cool finds Jim! Love those bells and great pics. Noticed the harmonica reed. Those always seem to pop up like a bad penny! :lol:

BTV Digger
10-20-2016, 03:52 PM
Nice picks Jim and congrats on the bells. Always nice to find those. Man, that's an impressively deep and well dug well you show. Glad someone has covered that up.


10-21-2016, 12:56 PM
Nice finds Jim. Nice pics too! The ox knob with the horn still in it is a very cool find. :congrats:

Thanks, Jeff. I am still trying to fathom the reason for drilling the horn..

Lots of cool finds Jim! Love those bells and great pics. Noticed the harmonica reed. Those always seem to pop up like a bad penny! :lol:

Thanks, Chris. Yeah, those harmonica reeds are almost as bad as ox shoes. Often they are brass, but not always. And if you hit them just right they scream. I wanna find a Jaw Harp but the harmonicas were just more common. Not so 'redneck' in NE apparently.

Nice picks Jim and congrats on the bells. Always nice to find those. Man, that's an impressively deep and well dug well you show. Glad someone has covered that up.

Thanks, John. I like finding bells too. Almost as good as a buckle but better than a button (most buttons). That house was on a hill and yeah that must have been a lot of work to dig out back then. Makes you wonder how many relics or coins are like 20-40 ft under the soil dropped when they were digging. It looks like after the house was abandoned was when it was covered. That looks like a rock that belonged on the property somewhere.

The Rebel
10-22-2016, 12:46 PM
Cool finds. That Jensens item is a Chocolate Tong.

Digger Don
10-24-2016, 09:36 AM
Very cool bunch of finds! congrats on the Crotals.
BTW, Awesome photos. Thanks for sharing!!