View Full Version : Something For Everyone

12-09-2018, 03:30 PM
I hope everyone is enjoying the run up to the holidays. Personally, this is a ridiculously busy time of the year as I have to buy the gifts, prepare the house, etc, but I also have to put on concerts and take students on field trips. :shocked01:
I'd still find time to detect if the temps were anywhere near freezing...but alas they're not. :(

1-The following represents some hunts between the last time the ground froze and when it froze again this week. Not pictured is a whiped copper. The eagle button still has cloth on it!! The ring is sterling.

2-I presented the tray of finds to a local historical foundation last week. They were found over the past few months.

3-Anyone know what that switch-comb :lol: thing is?

Thanks, everyone and stay warm!

Full Metal Digger
12-09-2018, 04:33 PM
NICE assortment of goodies. I think one side of the switch comb is missing. It's opens like a pocket knife. Here's hoping your spring thaw is an early one! Merry Christmas.

12-09-2018, 06:07 PM
Judging by the teeth, it's a horse comb used to get burrs out of their tail and mane.

wisconsin digger
12-09-2018, 07:44 PM
Nice bunch of finds especially all the relics. Congrats/ WD

Ill Digger
12-09-2018, 09:23 PM
I was wondering if the comb was maybe an advertising item. I've seen some fine tooth aluminium combs that were freebie advertisements for a local business. I'll have to go through my ring box. I think I've found that ring before. Maybe it was a buddies? IDK. I know I've seen that ring before and it had a whiteish stone in it. Sweet little find!
It was cool of you to donate a shadow box of relics to the local historical foundation too!
The rest of the shiny stuff ain't too shabby either!
Congrats Drew! :grin:

12-10-2018, 06:28 AM
Just guessing on the comb.....maybe a lice comb. Some great finds and kudos for the donation to the historical society.

Tony Two-Cent
12-12-2018, 08:42 AM
We're back! :happy:

Great finds, Drew! I remember those switchblade combs. We used to win them at the County Fair when I was a kid.

Very nice silver ring! It's a looker!


BTV Digger
12-13-2018, 06:08 PM
Really nice Drew! I plan to give some of my honey field finds to the local town historical society also and I like your presentation. I was tempted to try and do a hunt this weekend as we're gonna get a brief thaw, but like you, it's just too busy a time of year for me (bedroom remodel, holiday stuff + family coming into town next week etc.).
