View Full Version : Cable TV thieves/1st silver of 2019

01-11-2019, 10:35 AM
65880After receiving my cable TV bill with an increase for the 3rd consecutive month I paid them a visit to have it out with them last week. I was pleasantly surprised when they lopped $86 a month off the bill...just for asking. Like I said, thieves. On the way home I stopped at a park I've gone by a few times and again was pleasantly surprised with my 1st 2019 silver. Right now it's 18 degrees outside so I think I'll watch some recently more affordable cable TV and wait for spring.

Digger Don
01-11-2019, 11:03 AM
Congrats on the merc and winning a battle with your cable Co.!!!

01-11-2019, 11:36 AM
We got rid of cable TV 8 months ago, dropped our bill from 240 a month to 85 a month for internet & phone.. I have HULU tv at 40 a month so I can keep up with sports, news and weather.
congrats on your finds!

01-11-2019, 04:07 PM
We got rid of cable 10 years ago...maybe that's why I spend so much time here. :lol:
I don't miss it much. Congrats on the quick silver!

01-12-2019, 11:14 AM
Congrats on breaking up with cable. It's a tough addiction to break!

01-13-2019, 06:44 AM
Congrats on the silver Mike. Have been thinking about cutting the cord with cable and doing the Hulu thing.

BTV Digger
01-16-2019, 01:31 PM
The first of many more to come for 2019 I'm sure of it!
