View Full Version : Travel tips?

01-14-2020, 10:28 PM
Hi all,
I looks like I'm headed to NE Arkansas at the end of the month for a job interview. I'll be in the Blytheville area, which is near the Mississippi river. Apparently they didn't have a lot of CW activity other than a few raids nearby. I would appreciate any tips for places to hunt in that region, and any applicable laws I need to be aware of.
I'll have 1 day to hunt, so want to make the best of it. Thanks!

Full Metal Digger
01-15-2020, 04:39 PM
With only one day I would look for the oldest park and try there and door knock the houses closest to the oldest park. It works well when Don and I use that approach. Just be aware that Arkansas has the highest unsolved murder rate in the country. No dental records and everyone has the same DNA! ha-ha-ha. I can make that joke because I am from Arkansas.