View Full Version : First time out in 2 weeks gets dime trifecta

wisconsin digger
06-15-2021, 09:23 AM
With more free time now I seem to be spending much less time detecting. I did get out yesterday and had a nice hunt. The down side I was asked to leave after about 3 hours at a place I had permission for and have been hunting for 7 to 8 years. It is a Fair Grounds but the worker said it was private. Oh well not much I can do about it. I did manage a well worn Barber Dime, a Merc and a Rosie about 5 minutes before the talk with the Park worker. I also found 9 wheats which tells me there was more to find but for now its off limits. Hope this is not a sign of things to come. Wisconsin Digger Also had a good ring day as I found 3 silver rings including what looks like a Hobbit ring, kind of unusual.

Full Metal Digger
06-15-2021, 10:09 AM
Congrats on the trifecta and the rings! That barber dime sure is a smoothie though! Happy digging, Dave.

06-15-2021, 10:39 AM
Fantastic trifecta! Maybe if you find out who to talk to you can get that permission back? Hope you can!

wisconsin digger
06-15-2021, 08:08 PM
It was Native American territory and she had no issue with the detecting she only wanted to know if I was a member (Native American). I get it but it never was an issue before. Sometimes there are tense times between the State and the Ceded areas and Joe Public pays the price. WD

Digger Don
06-19-2021, 06:45 AM
ANOTHER great hunt! Congrats!
I hope you can get your permission renewed.

06-19-2021, 02:39 PM
You'll start to get more detecting time once the to-do list is finished. That's a ton of finds!! Dime trifectas are not a dime a dozen :)
Interesting hobbit ring too!
Tough luck with the fair grounds :crying01:
Now you'll have time to gain some more sites.

Cheap Thrills
06-19-2021, 08:28 PM
Congrats on your trifecta and the nice rings . Sorry to hear you got the boot . Hopefully , you find some other productive sites soon .Best of luck to you .