View Full Version : First Post-Op Finds! Gold!!!

01-27-2011, 10:03 PM
Howdy Friends and Neighbors!
Considering I was laying in a pool of my own blood at the emergency room 48 hours earlier, I think I did pretty good on this hunt.

I had surgery on the 25th in the morning, followed by a serious bleeding problem around 4pm, which led me to call EMS and get myself aa ambulance ride to the E.R. where I got stitches to close my incision on the knee, followed by having the fire department come to get my carcass out of the car and into the house on a lift assist, I was better yesterday and feeling good enough today to try driving the car. Since that worked out, I figured I'd try a short (emphasis on short) hunt this evening.

My hunt only lasted about 2 hours and I only hit two locations. Careful of my leg, I managed to haul in 60 coins with a 1957d wheat penny to cap things off, along with 3 rings and one gold thingy that would have hung from a chain around somebody's neck. I tested it with acid, and it appears to be at least 14k gold.

My primary motivation was to exercise the leg, working on flexibility and range of motion while hunting, but still being real careful not to stress it too much.

The take on the day was:
17 Quarters = $4.25
4 Nickels = $0.20
14 Dimes = $1.40
25 Pennies = $0.25
Coin count = 60 coins
Total = $6.10

The above does not include the wheat penny or a Canadian quarter I also found.

Odd item of the day was a spoon and a dog tag from Chicago.

Hope you enjoy the photos!
The leg is doing fine, btw!


Nitro 54
01-27-2011, 10:08 PM
Nice finds M-T thumbsup01 thumbsup01 You seem to do good, even when you don't think your doing good.. :grin: :grin: :grin: Now get back in bed and take it easy for a few days :behave: :behave: :popcorn: :interesting:

01-27-2011, 10:41 PM
Nice finds M-T thumbsup01 thumbsup01 You seem to do good, even when you don't think your doing good.. :grin: :grin: :grin: Now get back in bed and take it easy for a few days :behave: :behave: :popcorn: :interesting:

I agree.......now that your knee is good so far---don't go and mess it up. Take a day off---go walking a little bit. Put your feet up and relax. After that EMS hospital trip, I'm sure you don't want to repeat it.

01-27-2011, 11:22 PM
Good haul there Mel. Now SIT DOWN AND REST THAT LEG! ;)

01-27-2011, 11:33 PM
Congrats on the gold M-T. :clapping:

Get a little rest. If you absolutely need to treasure hunt, lay down in bed, close your eyes and throw a handful of change up in the air and use your pinpointer to see how fast you can find it all. rofl

There's plenty of time left in the season, let that leg mend. thumbsup01

Ill Digger
01-27-2011, 11:37 PM
Your hard core Mel! thumbsup01 I gotta give ya that !
I still think your pushing it a little :crazy: lol
Be careful like the others have said, you don't want a repeat of the ER trip! Thats no fun. :stretcher:
I really like the pendant though thumbsup01 lol
Love my wheats too thumbsup01
Congrats :grin:

01-27-2011, 11:49 PM
No stopping Mel lol. I bet if you had no knees, you would still be hunting tot lots lol Nice hunt but do take it slow :yes:

01-28-2011, 01:01 AM
Well there is no quit in you thats for sure, good luck with the knee! thumbsup01

01-28-2011, 01:44 AM
Howdy Folks!
I just wanted to put in some food for thought.
Many, perhaps most of you, don't know that I hold a degree in Sports Medicine Technology.
I am an SMT, which is 18 months more training than your average EMT will have.

Doctors and nurses have their hearts in the right place,
but they can also do considerable damage sometimes too.
It wasn't metal detecting that screwed up my knee to begin with.
It wasn't metal detecting that caused the blood clot to develop.
It wasn't metal detecting that caused them to fail when trying to start an I.V.
It wasn't metal detecting that caused the wound to open and bleed out as it did.
It wasn't metal detecting that led to an ambulance ride to the emergency room.
All of that was the result of following doctors orders to the letter.

So they gave me exercises to do that won't help restore range of motion or flexibility.
What might help that situation so I can more rapidly return to normal functionality?
That's where my own degree in Sports Medicine Technology comes into play.
I am now treating myself just as I would work with an injured athelete.
An athelete will work to perform within the limitations of their injury.
That's what I'm doing for myself.

Along the way, I can do gentle (mark that word carefully) stretching to enhance
flexibility and to squeeze out that hematoma I got from surgery. I can move the
knee through range of motion to the point of slight discomfort and hold it there
for a moment or two then repeat from time to time. Each time will work to eventually
extend that range of motion.

I know without any doubt in my mind that going sedentary is one of the worst things
an injured player can do. Being sedentary does not move blood through the affected
injury site. If it pools while sitting idle, that's an invitation to blood clots. It is also a
good way to encourage muscles to atrophy. Being active within limitations allows blood
flow to reach the affected area, which is what promotes healing. Gently nudging those
limitations will cause extension to those limitations, eventually resulting in restoration
of full range of motion.

Anyhow, I enjoyed my outing, scored some clad, got some rings, and even found a nice
chunk of gold. But through it all, I have been extremely cautious not to push too hard on
those limitations I now have. It is my belief that I have better ROM (range of motion) and
flexibility now than when I got up this morning.

Along the way, I'll also elevate the affected limb and use ice therapy to encourage healing
and reducing inflammation.

The best thing a person can do, in my humble opinion, is to listen to their own inner physician and pay attention to their own situation. After all, who is living in your skin, coping with consequences of whatever actions take place? Not the doctors or nurses. Just you! So I am adopting the attitude expressed in Scripture:
Physician, heal thyself!

In other words, I'll pay close attention to my own body and what it is telling me.
I'll take advice from medical types, to a point, but so far their record is pretty dismal.

Today I hunted, and took things really easy on myself, paying very close attention to how the leg was feeling.
Since I can dig up targets without resorting to kneeling, and I can position my leg behind me while bending the other to reach the ground, it really isn't involved. The hardest thing I had to cope with was getting in and out of the car. That was the worst. And the doctors haven't recommended me to keep out of the car, in fact, they want me to visit them on upcoming appointments. That means driving a car!

I am heartily appreciative of everybody's concern for my wellbeing. Truly I am.
But that wellbeing hasn't been doing so well with following doctors orders before now.
So I am back to that ancient wisdom Physician, Heal thyself.

Thanks again for your concerns folks, I really do appreciate your thoughts.
But trust me when I say that I am being very cautious with my recovery.


01-28-2011, 01:55 AM
After that EMS hospital trip, I'm sure you don't want to repeat it.

Howdy Robbie!
You bet your boots I don't want to repeat that episode! Not for an Irish minute.
But then again, it was not metal detecting that caused that trip to the emergency room.
I was following doctor's advice. See what it got me?
Maybe if they'd stitched it up properly to start with, I'd have spent a quiet evening at home.

Thanks for the input, and I really am taking it real easy on myself. Just not willing to lie down and play dead yet.


01-28-2011, 01:57 AM
Well there is no quit in you thats for sure, good luck with the knee! thumbsup01

Howdy zrickkid!
Quit doesn't win the big game. I've personally witnessed players go back on the field with
catastrophic injuries and play their best game of their career. And it goes without saying,
if you don't play, you don't win.

Thanks for your response, but I ain't hardly ready to quit anything yet.
I'm out to win!


01-28-2011, 02:02 AM
No stopping Mel lol. I bet if you had no knees, you would still be hunting tot lots lol Nice hunt but do take it slow :yes:

Howdy Pard!
You betcha I'll take it slow. That's why I only worked myself for a couple of hours... very gently!
And if I had no knees, I'd still hunt. And working the affected injury is the best way to restore function.
That's the whole idea behind physical therapy (which I ain't getting, BTW).
Since the exercises I got were not really going to affect range of motion or flexibility, I took it upon
myself to be my own physical therapist. Armed with my degree in sports medicine technology, and
with my knowledge of physiology, and a whole mess of other ologies, I am going to help myself heal
as quickly as I can. But I am surely going to be careful.

Thanks for your expression of concern, and I thank you for your input.
Bottom line is, I'll hunt if I gotta crawl to do it! LOL!


01-28-2011, 07:34 AM
Well i see you didn't lose your touch Mel.
Take it easy on the knee,hope you heal up soon :stretcher: :beerbuddy:

01-28-2011, 09:30 AM
Well i see you didn't lose your touch Mel.
Take it easy on the knee,hope you heal up soon :stretcher: :beerbuddy:

Howdy Evan!
Today will be an easy day. Wifey and me will be travelling to Colorado Springs to participate in Storage Unit auctions. A bit of walking, easy-peasy. I might detect a little, but carefully and methodically. In this situation, a variety of different things will work to get stuff back to normal. One step at a time, not to make a pun out of it.

And hey... today I get to use the shower! I'm looking forward to that. So are M'Lady and Pipster!!!
I even think Gator would appreciate me cleaning up some.


01-28-2011, 09:47 AM
Good hunt Mel thumbsup01 and congrats on the gold. I'd follow that doc's instructions and then when he's done with you, follow the therapist's instructions even more stringently cause the healing of muscles makes all the difference in the world.

01-28-2011, 09:52 AM
I'd follow that doc's instructions and then when he's done with you, follow the therapist's instructions even more stringently cause the healing of muscles makes all the difference in the world.

Howdy Pard!
That's part of the problem. The doc doesn't feel like I need physical therapy, so didn't order up any.
Ergo, it sorta falls to me to do my own. That's precisely what I aim to do. Why they didn't feel any
PT was indicated astounds me, but them's the berries. Guess I'll be the therapist in this case. What
can I say? I ain't gonna let some guy accustomed to dealing with geriatric types treat me like one.
I'm gonna assume some responsibiity for my own recovery, because there doesn't seem to be any
motivation on their part to get 'er done!

Thanks for your response amigo!


01-28-2011, 09:56 AM
Howdy Folks!
Just as a matter of redirect, I was really struck by the odd find of the day. This dog tag for a Chicago &quot:grin:shocked04:g Friendly area. How odd is that to find on a tot lot in Denver?


01-28-2011, 11:12 AM
Mel, can't really say to the odds, I found a rabies vaccination tag from New York in a yard in a small town in Wisconsin.

01-28-2011, 12:46 PM
Sweet finds Mel....Definately a good score for two spots. This year is going to be a big one for you...

Glad to see you getting out and about and enjoying the great Colorado weather.

I would have to agree with you Mel...nobody knows you like you know you. My record with doctors leaves me a bit skeptical, as well, to say the least, so I think you're on the right track to a healthy recovery... I suspect that leg will give you the nod if you exceed its capacity. As long as you are giving it some down time in between I think by this time next week you will have forgotten that you just had surgery on it.....then it may be tougher to remember to give it some rest... lol

I wish I had your spunk for chipping through snow and ice for goodies but I guess I am going to have to wait till some of this snow leaves us before I can get back out there... I just cannot bring myself to putting my new MXT Pro through the slop thats created as a result... :-\

Enjoy your weekend...looks like a great one in Denver...

01-28-2011, 12:48 PM
you amaze me MT..... go ahead and do what you want to . this is america.. knock it out of the park :clapping:
still, some seriously nice finds.. <:

01-28-2011, 07:07 PM
Nice bunch of finds Mel and Congrats on the Gold thumbsup01

li tom
01-28-2011, 08:21 PM
Man you are one tough and dedicated detectorist,my hat's off to you! :clapping:

01-28-2011, 09:06 PM
Here's to a speedy recovery Mel! :beerbuddy:

top pop top
01-28-2011, 11:53 PM
Howdy Folks!
Just as a matter of redirect, I was really struck by the odd find of the day. This dog tag for a Chicago &quot:grin:shocked04:g Friendly area. How odd is that to find on a tot lot in Denver?


You never know what will turn up in thoughs tot lots. It's a small world sometimes :grin:
Congrats on the gold and take it one step at a time M T

01-29-2011, 12:27 AM
Congrats on the gold, glad to see your able to get out again but be careful not to undo the fix as it would be bad to have to go through it all again.

Civil War Nut
01-29-2011, 12:47 AM
Nice finds MT. Hope you get gooder. Hang in there.

01-30-2011, 01:55 AM
Mel! You are an animal! You remind me of one of those cowboys in the westerns that gets shot in the shoulder and says, Ah, it ain't nothin' mam. :stretcher: Keep up the great detecting, but don't over do it. It ain't good to have to go back to have that bullet removed for the second time, lol. :hammer: