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View Full Version : Disappointing Hunts!

02-16-2011, 12:58 PM
Howdy Folks!
Just dropped by to let ya'll know I ain't dead yet. Not for lack of trying though! LOL!
After a week of cold and snow (talking about below zero for high temps during the day)
I got out for several hunts in the past week. The last few days have been fabulous,
with highs in the 60s, but until the last couple of days, we still had snow on the ground.

So, out I went armed with my trusty rock hammer and detector, and did a bit of hunting.
What you see here are the result of 4 hunts. The first was about a week back, the next
was Saturday, then comes Sunday, and taking a couple of days to rest up and give my knee a little TLC, the last was last evening.

It was a disappointing week, and I found no silver or gold.
This left me wondering if I've lost my touch, but then remember that kids dislike going out to play when the temperature is well below zero and there's ice and snow on their tot lots. So maybe it ain't just me.

Anyhow, the first hunt gave up:
15 Quarters = $3.75
1 Nickel = $0.05
2 Dimes = $0.10
4 Pennies = $0.04
Total = $3.94
Coin Count = 22 Coins.

Saturday was mild and decent, and my take was:
13 Quarters = $3.25
4 Nickels = $0.20
4 Dimes = $0.40
25 Pennies = $0.25
1 Prez Dollar = $1.00
Total = $5.10

Sunday rolled around, but my knee seemed bothersome, so I didn't hunt as much as I would have liked:
10 Quarters = $2.50
6 Nickels = $0.30
8 Dimes = $0.80
28 Pennies = $0.28
Total = $3.88
Coin Count = 52 Coins

Last evening was my best take in the last week, but still pathetic. No silver or gold!
24 Quarters = $6.00
5 Nickels = $0.25
11 Dimes = $1.10
50 Pennies = $0.50
Total = $7.85
Coin Count = 90 Coins.
Had I known I was that close to a century hunt, I'd have gone to one more stop!
Grand totals, all 4 hunts:
62 Quarters = $15.50
16 Nickels = $0.80
25 Dimes = $2.50
107 Pennies = $1.07
1 Prez Dollar = $1.00
Total = $20.87
Coin Count = 211 Coins!

Also found a Denver Bronco pin, probably discarded after this last season's dismal performance. An earring that looked gold, but ain't. 2 pins that state No Place for
Hate and the bottom says Anti-Discrimination League. A real nice looking crucifix,
4 little Mickey Mouse hearts, and several curious items.

Thanks for Lookin',

02-16-2011, 01:28 PM
Nice looking jewelry finds, but no real glitter lol It just goes to show how important the nice weather is to getting more quality goods. Nice amount of clad though and some cool looking pieces. It will warm up eventually and you can chalk these hunts up to knee therapy lessons.

02-16-2011, 01:32 PM
Hey Mel, that looks like a pretty good haul to me! thumbsup01 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

How is the knee repair holding up? HH...KYBuzzBox

02-16-2011, 02:32 PM
You still found a good bit of treasure Mel :yes:
Averaging over five dollars a hunt ain't bad!

Salty Dog
02-16-2011, 03:25 PM
Well Mel,your worst hunts are better than most of us snow bound want to tect people get this time of year,Hitting 60 here this week,that will get the kids out playing in the tot lots,Rest that Knee,Dave

02-16-2011, 04:34 PM
How is the knee repair holding up? HH...KYBuzzBox

Howdy Pard!
Coming along nicely. Still can't kneel yet. Tried it last night.
That was an ugly experience.
I managed it, but it was real uncomfortable.


02-16-2011, 04:44 PM
Hi Mel,

Doesn't look like you lost your touch....just not there to be had....not to worry, the warmer days are coming and the prolific donators will arrive in full force to fatten your kitty.... besides, that's a pretty good clad haul considering, and adds nicely to the clad jar....

In the meantime it's good excercise to get that knee limbered up so you be in full force when the G & S starts showing back up.... happydance02

You need to be ready.... I might be seeing you again real soon...more on that later....

02-16-2011, 04:47 PM
says who .. any one of those hunts would be fine by me..

02-16-2011, 06:00 PM
Mels bad days are much better than most of our great days. He is just warming up for when his knee works better......then watch out G&S !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :omg: :omg:

02-16-2011, 06:57 PM
like others have said, your dog days would be a good score for many of us. take care of the knee and hh.

02-16-2011, 07:36 PM
All that clad adds up...... You'll get back in the gold seam soon enough! :yes:

02-17-2011, 08:35 PM
the cross sure looks gold on my screen but Im sure you gave it the acid test :thinkingabout: still a good hunt with the assortment and clad :clapping:

02-17-2011, 08:54 PM
Doesn't look like &quot:grin:isappointing Hunts! to me!! :confused:

Napa Steve
02-17-2011, 09:59 PM
Hang in there Mel, if things get to bad there is a way to make the kids loose more gold or silver

02-18-2011, 07:20 AM
Good hnts regardless your population base in the metro area definantly keeps you stocked in clad thumbsup01

02-20-2011, 01:27 PM
Still some nice finds Mel thumbsup01