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siggi palma
12-17-2009, 11:01 AM
Just found out that the song I released last year Christmas song can be downloaded trough torrent. First time for me. So I guess i´m good enough to steal or borrow depends where in the world you are. I think I should be proud lol

12-17-2009, 11:16 AM
Congratulations, I think lol

I'm not familiar with torrent. Is that like Limewire?

Are any of your songs on YouTube?

12-17-2009, 12:25 PM
In a way, you have to be happy about it though. It certainly shows recognition as to what others think of the quality of the song. Congrats! :)

siggi palma
12-17-2009, 01:13 PM
Thanks lol

No I dont think there is a song after me on youtube. But on myspace there is one song. www.myspace.com/officialsiggipalma (http://www.myspace.com/officialsiggipalma)

I agree angle. If you are worth stealing then there must be something good about your stuff :)

12-17-2009, 09:20 PM
Hey Siggi, That's a great recording and song thumbsup01 Sometimes when people tell you to listen to their songs, you feel you have to be kind to them and say it was good lol But that one Really was good :yes: Nice going, when is the albulm going to be released:huh:

12-18-2009, 01:04 PM
Great song Siggi... you already have an CD or two out as I recall... Seems you had posted that on the FMDF forum. RickO

01-04-2010, 11:00 PM
Best singer I've ever known from Iceland!!! Wasn't Bjork from there too:huh: or was it somewhere else?

01-08-2010, 07:44 PM
COOL!!! :yes: I know a real Celeb!!! 8)