View Full Version : Qualified for CCW!

07-08-2011, 02:14 AM
Howdy Folks!
My people have a saying: An it harm none, do as you will. However, that notion of harm none also extends to myself and my loved ones. Anybody comes looking to do us harm is going to find out they've made a terrible decision.

After my home was burglarized twice in another town, and being robbed at gun point one dark night while working, I discerned that we needed to arm ourselves for our own defense. Considering my wife works for a law enforcement agency, works with inmates and is frequently seen passing through the jail, it would seem that this decision should have been arrived at long ago.

So Pipster, my wife and I all went together to the local Sheriff's office to apply for our CCW permits. We already completed CCW training and qualified on the shooting range where we demonstrated proficiency with our firearms. The wife scored 188 out of a possible 200, I ended up with 191, and Pipster nearly cleaned house with a 196. Don't think for a minute he lets me forget that either!!!

We all qualified together, put in our applications together, and now just await our permits to arrive in due course of time.

Meanwhile, I now am the proud owner of a Ruger P94 .40 cal, a Springfield Armory XDm .40 cal, and a Judge capable of firing both .410 shotgun or .45 Long Colt. My wife originally got a Smith and Wesson 642 in .38 calibur, but that pistol was brutal on her hands. Pipster and me thought Yeah... girl! But when we fired her handgun, it was as brutal to us as it was to the wife. But we selected a revolver for her because she has weak hands (had surgery on one) and has trouble racking the slide on an auto. Then one day, I was at the Bass Pro Shop and asked to see a Walther PK 380 they had on display. It was easy to pull the slide, so I bought the pistol and came home with it for my wife. She was easily able to pull the slide and I was happy I bought it for her. We sold off the S&W and we were shopping at Bass Pro when I asked to see a Beretta Px4 Storm in 9mm. I almost fell out of my shoes when she racked the slide like an old pro! So I bought her that one too.

So now we are awaiting our conceal carry permits, and anticipate the wife and I will have them in about a week or so. Pipster will be stuck waiting much longer. Ya see, because my wife works for a law enforcement agency, we got fast-tracked. Then again, I've had a checkered past, and ain't certain they'll grant my permit so easily. Then again, I didn't know I could walk into a gun shop and buy a gun either. I fret about everything!!!

Between the wife and me with 5 pistols between us, and Pipster with his dozen or so weapons, this house would severely suck to break into. The potential exists that an intruder could be subjected to triangulated fire!

I'm including a few photos of our newest toys.



07-08-2011, 06:31 AM
I strongly advise a gun safe.

07-09-2011, 11:10 AM
Congrats to another armed citizen!
Just like AMEX, never leave home without it.
At least I feel better knowing that I'm not a defenseless target for the evildoers.

The hard part is knowing when the situation warrants use of lethal force.

Use it wisely.

07-11-2011, 03:57 PM
Hey, where are the orange caps on the ends of them pistols? lol You telling me they are real? :shocked04: lol Hope everything goes smoothly and you can carry legally. It's been far too long that the criminals have all the weapons >:#

07-11-2011, 09:16 PM
Hey, where are the orange caps on the ends of them pistols? lol You telling me they are real? :shocked04: lol Hope everything goes smoothly and you can carry legally. It's been far too long that the criminals have all the weapons >:#

Howdy Coinnut!
Oh, there real alright. They all shoot just fine too!
My wife and I went to the range on Saturday, and she is shooting well with both her .380 and the 9mm.
I only took my Ruger P94 and all my shots (50 of 'em) were within center mass at 21 feet. Maybe a 6
spread for 50 rounds.

As for legally carrying, I don't need a permit to do that. I've been open carrying a sidearm since I got my
first pistol in April. We have open carry here, and with the exception of Denver City and County, the state
has total preemption. So I carry all the time, everywhere I go, except at work where I am not permitted to
defend my life by company policy. It's the old bargain with the devil thing.

Oddly enough, the only time my life was threatened by a criminal, it was while I was working and the guy
did an armed robbery number on me one dark night. Now if I'd had a handgun, that wouldn't have happened.
Things would certainly have turned out differently, I can assure ya that!


07-11-2011, 09:21 PM
Congrats to another armed citizen!
Just like AMEX, never leave home without it.
At least I feel better knowing that I'm not a defenseless target for the evildoers.

The hard part is knowing when the situation warrants use of lethal force.

Howdy Pard!
As part of our CCW training, we covered that topic. We have the right to reasonable defense.
If we are confronted with a situation where we can walk away, it is appropriate to do so.
If we are accosted, using whatever level of force necessary to defend ourselves is permissible.
But if we are confronted with a determined adversary and a reasonable belief that our life is
in jeopardy or that the adversary is about to cause grievous bodily harm and injury, we have
the right to repel that attack with such force as necessary, including deadly physical force.

Thank you for your congrats, and I aim (pun intended) to open carry my weapon until I get
my CCW permit. Even after I get it, I still plan to open carry if I am so inclined.

Use it wisely.

07-11-2011, 09:23 PM
I strongly advise a gun safe.

Howdy Pardner!
When seconds count, that safe could be the biggest hazard.
Still, something to think about.


07-12-2011, 05:53 AM
Howdy Pardner!
When seconds count, that safe could be the biggest hazard.
Still, something to think about.


I didn't mean the one you carry should go in the safe. I put my carry gun by the bed each night when I put on my jammies.

A few years back, my home in Florida was burglarized. All of my guns were safely (no pun intended) tucked away in a gunsafe...except the one that I had with me. The thieves tried to open the safe...to no avail.

07-12-2011, 09:28 AM
I didn't mean the one you carry should go in the safe. I put my carry gun by the bed each night when I put on my jammies.

A few years back, my home in Florida was burglarized. All of my guns were safely (no pun intended) tucked away in a gunsafe...except the one that I had with me. The thieves tried to open the safe...to no avail.

Howdy Again Lowjiber!
Yeah, I got that. When I come home, my carry gun goes next to my favorite chair under an end table where it isn't overtly visible unless ya know where to look. My Judge is on my headboard above my pillow when I sleep at night. My other pistol will be in a sock drawer where I can reach it just as easily as I can reach the Judge. My wife's guns are also on the headboard or in a drawer. The 12ga Mossburg Maverick is next to a bookcase next to the bed and behind the door when it is open.

Pipster keeps at least one firearm within reach of his bed, and likely more within easy reach. We haven't really discussed it.

Point being, anybody breaks into our home with nefarious intent during the night will rapidly discover this isn't the best house in town with which to invade. And I haven't even mentioned the alarm system or the dog! They may break in, but getting out alive is an entirely different matter altogether. An unlikely proposition at best. They'll have maybe one chance to get out when they hear me rack the 12ga. After that a shouted get out or die, the next thing they notice will be how much firepower they've attracted.

Out in public is where I feel more vulnerable. Especially with a trend going on called Wilding, where mobs of thugs attack citizens and businesses in large number to overwhelm any resistence. Now I carry extra mags too!

A gun safe would be a wise investment, but until I can afford one, we rely on the alarm system, the aforementioned dog, and of course, the uncertainty of our schedule. An intruder usually likes to know when a house will be empty before going in. We tend to all vary our routine to make this very difficult. Any of the three of us might be here or arrive here at any time. We often leave only to return shortly afterward. And I open carry my pistol around the neighborhood just to advertize to anybody who might be watching our home with nefarious intention that such an insult on our privacy will be met with determined resistence.

They'd do much better down the block where some folks don't have guns, alarms, dogs or ability to defend themselves. Crooks don't tend to be heroic and seek a path of least resistence. They want the goods, not the combat.
