View Full Version : Peddled my way to a silver schooneer

leslie(nova scotia)
07-19-2011, 07:19 PM
From the land of the Bluenose....

Peddled to a silver schooner (Monday)

Had Otto pre packed with all the tools necessary for a picnic/dig/swish. Picked up Marie at work, took her home where she changed and we were out on the highway looking for adventure or whatever comes our way.

What came our way was a playing field behind a school were I took out the Freedom 3 Plus and gridded off the field in a drunken sailor kind of way. My first find turned to be the best of the day in the form of a silver schooner pendent. I was too excited by this find which prompted a nature call. As I waddled into the wooded area I almost tripped over a ..............bike! Lord love a duck I knew that it must be stolen and besides.....it wouldn't fit in the trunk!
Well one of three things will happen to it. Either its restolen (if such a word), the owner finds it or someone turns it into the RCMP detachment a quarter of a mile down the road! Of course while I dug Marie did the Tour de France around the field!

Next stop was another school on the Eastern Shore, Gaetz Brook where I was so mad that I wanted to call the police. The field behind the school was full of plugs and holes. MAN FILL THEM IN! So after repairing the holes I just left and we headed to a swishing spot.

Marie and I had the run of the park as the overcast skies kept the locals away. Man the water was cold. How cold you ask. Think I'll leave that description up to you to imagine me son! After a few coins I exited, wrapped myself in a towel and got some body heat from me hunny bunny. A few bricks short of a load for not packing my wet suit....dah!

After warming up I did the dew with the AT Pro on land finding a few more coins and adjourned to the picnic table where Marie was reading 44 Charles St. Time to eat and that we did with the only thing left in our picnic was some chicken pineapple casserole which we fed to an albino crow ! Then I found out something so profound. Seagulls don't like pineapple but like pasta! Was some funny to watch it spit out the pineapple!

Take for the day was a mountain bike, silver schooner pendent, dinkie, 2 keys,earing, junk heart, guitar pick (eyeball find for even a Garrett can't pick one of those up) and 78 coins @$4.54.

Navy Davy silver encounter of a 2nd kind (Tuesday)

The curse of the shift worker! Even on a day off I awoke at 0345hrs . Rolled over and just laid there till Marie got up and left for work. Navy Davy arrived on time at 0745hrs for our 0800hrs departure time.....jeez hope the bouy is not early for his own funeral.....think I'll be late. Down the 103 in the thunderbolt grease slapper with the windshield wipers on max. Man was it coming down hard.

By the time we hit Bridgewater visibility was almost nil and the streets flooded. What the halibut I was going to get wet anyway! St Digalot (patron saint of detectorists) must have been looking out for us as a few miles up the road......the sun was shining.

I hit the water and ND did the beach scoffing a nice silver ring, a dinkie and an assortment of coins. Helped the life guard try and find a lost gold earing to no avail. Managed a very black 925 &quot:daydream: here too with mine needing some serious cleaning.

A Tim's moment hit and we left to get our fix along with, not sure how they got in there but miraculously 2 maple pecan danishes appeared with our coffee. Made short work of the brewski and sweet treat as we ventured to another beach area where again ND did the dew on land and I went aquatic. Here the life guards took an active interest in what we were doing and I looked to the shore and saw Navy Davy's Technitics in the hands of a nice young lady!

Shortly thereafter ND was out of sight in the woods and returned with that big grin which meant only one thing......another good find. His silver this time was in the form of a 1941 quarter in great shape and in the same hole he pulled out a few George pennies and a 1910 Brit half penny. Bouys on fire!

Dig/swish came to an end with ND getting a quota of 54 coins including the 41 quarter and silver &quot:daydream: and a sum neat youz racing car dinky!

As for the soggy bouy it was a silver ring, amarble that showed up in my scoop which must have been one of the ones I lost, key, soccer ball pin and 50 coins @$8.31 added to the &quot:beerbuddy:ack to the UK to drink Guinness Fund!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/leslie19/Digaday/P7190085.jpg <;)

Tony Two-Cent
07-19-2011, 09:02 PM
You have a way with words that always makes me smile. Albino crow LOL! A very nice pile of finds for you, as always. Stuff that we don't find too often here in Illinois. Nice silver rings too! :clapping:

07-20-2011, 08:31 AM
Very nice post, just a couple of questions. Did ND enter the woods with that nice lady:huh:thinkingabout:and what happened to the bicycle. Congrats on a great hunt.

07-20-2011, 04:30 PM
good coin count and a little silver to,wtg.