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07-29-2011, 10:59 AM
Some of you may already be aware that a slanderous and defaming video about the American Detectorist forum has been produced and posted on YouTube by a current member, apparently for no other reason than a perceived slight and a disagreement with our policy and rule of not allowing outside advertisements to be posted on the forum. I have to say that I was personally deeply bothered by this, since all interactions with the member were professional and cordial. We accept nothing less from our staff when interacting with our members. There simply was no legitimate reason for such an attack, and at this point I can only guess at the motive. To me the action also spoke volumes as to the character of the individual.

In any case, I do feel a need to set the facts straight, given that even some members here, who are also members at the FMDF (Friendly Metal Detecting Forum), posted supportive comments to the individual on a post the member made on that forum.

One of the complaints I was made aware of is that the member's link to his blog was removed. I am uncertain as to why this particular action was taken, since it is our policy that links to personal websites, blogs, and other forums are allowed. What is not allowed are links to dealer sites other than those of our sponsors, or links to sites intended to promote products and services, other than those that may directly benefit our members, though these are subject to admin review and approval. In any case, if the link was removed from the member's signature then Angie and I take full responsibility for it. Such things can and do happen, but once the moderators or admins are made aware of the likely error, we review it and we make sure to make it right and to take corrective action on behalf of the member.

Another complaint made is that a link to a contest was removed. This one was at my instruction. The contest was being conducted outside of the forum, and the way it had been presented struck me as an attempt at member harvesting. It may not have been, but that is what it looked like to me. Now, removing the link was not out of fear that we would lose members. That is never the reason for the action and it would in fact be silly, for the reality is that individuals are likely current members of several forums and blogs. Member harvesting is simply frowned upon at most sites. We gladly do review inquiries/requests made to allow certain links, and have even approved a few, but this should not be taken as an assumption that such links are always acceptable, and that they can be posted without first inquiring.

The member also made the suggestion that he was being blocked from our site, meaning that someone here was taking active action to prevent him from entering the forum. This is in fact not true. When the member informed me of his trouble I checked his profile settings and moderation logs to see if anything had changed or if any action had been taken to make any changes. There were none. I then checked our other logs to determine if there was a password issue. What the logs showed was that the member had attempted to log into the forum while apparently using an incorrect password. Once he reached the failed login threshold of 3 attempts, the software directed him to the password reminder screen. There was never an attempt at blocking access to the forum, and in fact, even now, despite his posting of the slanderous and defaming video, he is still allowed access.

Those are the facts of what actually transpired. What others may choose to believe from this point on is their prerogative.

It is unfortunate that this member decided to besmirch the forum's character, and seems to enjoy doing so, given the comments posted at the FMDF. We won't resort to the same.

Thank you for reading, and for your support. It is appreciated more than you may realize.

The American Detectorist Forum Administrators

07-29-2011, 11:34 AM
I'd be as worried about this as I am a cloudy day...

He is just uset that your rules about advertising limit his $$$...

Using this or any other forum is a privilege , not a right!

Removing the advertising and post... Keep it and move on...

Pretty simple to me...

Great job to Angel and staff here... I have 75+ direct reports at work and know how hard it is to keep clients, management, customers, and staff all happy... You can't !!

Again... GREAT JOB :perfect10:

07-29-2011, 12:09 PM
I am a member of many, many sites, most that are not MD related as I'm certain most of you are. There is not a single site, not one, that doesn't have this same problem. It is impossible to keep everyone happy, although I know you try, it just isn't going to happen.

The majority are happy with the way the site is run and that's what counts. Those that aren't can move on if they so desire.

I will say however, like most controversy, people who watch the YouTube video will in all probability come over to see what all the fuss is about and the membership will increase.

07-29-2011, 01:12 PM
I had posted a video link on this forum, with reference to my local dealer. I got an email saying it was against the rules and if I could take out the reference to the dealer I could post it. I understand why they don't allow that, and I took it down. No problem.

As a bunch of us know who joined up early this year---if you don't like a certain forum..... you can always find another to join. ;)

07-29-2011, 01:53 PM
Drama......I come here to get away from it...who needs it, out lives are full of enough.

However, I compltely understand where the moderators of this forum are coming from. As someone who pays a lot of money every year for advertising/sponsorships. It would irk me if someone else was getting it for free where I'm paying for it. It costs money to keep our forum up and running for all of us to enjoy, we all know nothing is free. So THANK YOU to our sponsors :clapping:

Sometimes things can be blown out of proportion, and sometimes things happen...a little dialog can go a long way (and the mature thing to do), which is what I see our moderators have done. Making a video comparing people to Nazi's and Hitler....well, not so mature and may actually be considered libel. I applaude out moderators for taking the high road and by also addressing the issue head on and making all aware :clapping:

07-29-2011, 02:39 PM
:perfect10: Moderators :perfect10:. Will we ever know his ultimate goal?? I don't care. Rules are for everybody. Do you think he would like to become a sponsor?LOL. Rob's right, no drama please

dave in iowa
07-29-2011, 04:15 PM
i dont bother with things like this , i enjoy this forum and have no complaints , those that do , too bad , angel and angie have been very helpful and i like it here ,


07-29-2011, 04:54 PM
I am so sorry to read what you had to go through Angel. It does no one any good to pit Forum on Forum. I said my piece on FMDF, but the thread may stay up. I am but a voice of one! :blackeye:

07-29-2011, 04:58 PM
I just wanted to say that I appreciate this forum and all the forum moderators that make it the best on the net. From all the great stories to read, and pictures of members finds that make my day after a long day of work. This forum is tops in my book. I wouldn't let one disgruntled member get under your skin, when there are many more who appreciate all you do for this forum, including myself. I watched the video and I think what he did was VERY wrong. Rules are made to be followed , not bent, and not to be broken. You run a great site and you pay alot of money to keep this up and running. I have personally been a member of 4 other forums, No names to be mentioned,and I thought I felt at home with a few of them, but drama has kept me from logging back in on them. I love this site, Dan (DEL) told me about this place and after bumping into you and John at a park one day, It just seemed to perfect. Glad to meet you guys that day. American Detectorist is the place for me. Happy Hunting and Thank you for all you do.

07-29-2011, 05:07 PM
Ron, I read your post on FMDF and applaud your courage for taking a stand that seems to be in the minority on that site. I'm certain that more people feel as we, although may be reluctant to post their true feelings.

07-29-2011, 05:24 PM
some people just don't think that rules apply to them.....just keep on doing what you're doing, y'all are doing a fine job here :clapping:

07-29-2011, 06:07 PM
Looks like he's only posted 14 times since april 2010, so I can't see him being that upset about anything. Ulterior motive for his posting a possibility I guess, I always ask before posting anything that may not be allowed. I was granted permission to post where I got the covers for my detector but I ask first as I knew that it might not be allowed but you can't really get them here in the US and lots of people either don't know about them or where to find them.

07-29-2011, 08:30 PM
Just another lonely person lookin for 15 min of fame ,the whole thing was contrived and stupid

07-30-2011, 09:48 PM
Angel, I would not waste my time on this. There will always be people that try to squeeze something past the rules, just because it is not specifically stated. Besides, every forum has one or two folks that try to cause a stink. If you don't believe me slide over to Treasure Hunter's Win site, and read the posts there. Phil