View Full Version : Sharing the finds...

12-27-2011, 02:06 PM
I know I have seen it somewhere, but I can't locate it again.

I have a question about sharing finds. For example, a friend says I can hunt the old homeplace. What should I do about sharing? Of course, I couldn't bear to keep relics that would be attached to the family. They would go to the owner if they were wanted.

What about coins or other relics?

What is the general practice?

12-27-2011, 11:12 PM
Don't know about anyone else, but here is what I do. As you said, if it belongs to the family, they get it. On the few occasions I have had to share I tell them they are more than welcome to watch, I take everything home to clean it and photograph it. I bring it back and put everything on the table. Since its their property, I give them first pick. They pick one item, then I pick an item, and so on until its gone. If they say nothing about sharing, I still offer when I'm through. Wheat pennies, buffalos, even silver (unimportant dates that I already have) So far no one has took me up on it. But it seems to make them happy and more than willing to put you on to more property. About half the time I ask someone to hunt their property they will ask me, can I have what you find? I'll say, how bout we share, I'll find it, you dig it and then we'll split it. They will generally laugh and say thats OK enjoy yourself.