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View Full Version : Screen and Sounds on a 9 Deep Coin - Comments...

12-30-2011, 01:08 PM
Hey guys,

I thought it would be interesting to get your comments on this target. It was around 9 or so deep and zinc. It's in bad shape, nothing special but I got a lot of swings in over the target so we could investigate the sounds and screen and also changed fast on to fast off for a noticeable improvement in the signal. Worth noting that the ground here is full of iron.

I wonder what you all think of how the target crosshairs jump around, relative to both the CO and Fe numbers. Is that like on your deeper targets as well? (The ground here is mild but high in iron mineralization - You can see my sensitivity gets up there easy in auto.) Notice when I went into quick mask and an open screen how the crosshairs often jumped down to Fe values around 18 to 24 and lower.

Is this how a 9 deep zinc would sound in your ground? I'm in Germany but it's about penny size. The target initially gave a bit of that thunk sound but it mostly went away during filming but I got some of it to come back by lowering the sensitivity. Thanks again to Tom, Markg, etc. for bringing this to my attention. I heard it a bit today and would check those targets.

Watch the video on youtube at 480 and fullscreen to see the screen well.

9 inch Deep Zinc Nazi - Screen and Sounds - fast on vs off (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ansVQFk5aw#ws)

12-30-2011, 06:56 PM
Great video example EMS! I have noticed this jumping around on deep Wheat Pennies (bronze/copper). The Silver seems to stick to one area of the screen more in my experience so far. Even if the Silver is producing a composite result with a skewed FE, it still seems to be more repeatable than the Wheats in many instances. I also noticed that when my sensitivity was adjusted down due to EMI in the area (21-23), the deep coins would jump upward from the normal reading. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing Albert.
