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View Full Version : Navy Davy gives his hearts to religion

leslie(nova scotia)
03-04-2010, 01:43 PM
From the land of the Bluenose.....the alarm went off. Not the mechanical one but that biological one embedded in us shift workers. Not so bad when the power goes off but on your days off! Lord love a duck. This bouy was having a good snooze while playing spoons with the boss who was due up for work in an hour. Just laid there till she woke up, got showered and headed out to work. Looking out the bedroom window I could see that we had a typical cloudy day so what to do?

Yo Homie
Hi dude
Let's go do the dew
See you in 45

With that deep conversation out of the way I rushed around the place like a tuna caught in a net full of mackerel doing dishes here, making a bed there and vaccuuming.............man dislike the noise of that machine big time. Give me the bell tone from my Garrett any day!

To Tim's we did traverse with roll up the rims proving that we were Natural born losers. Some comfort was afforded us by the view at our park.
(tad heavy on the saturation of that shot.)

Navy Davy opened his back cab on the Thunderbolt Grease slapper as I flipped open Otto's trunk to grab my gear. Well blow me a shore in a gale me son as ND presented me with a framed MacGaskill of the Bluenose and a repaired set of chest waders. Bouy knows how to strike at a fellow's soul. Too boot I can't tell you how many repairs the bouy has done to my gear.....a sailor who can do any job on a scowl!

So we walked. So we swank. So we dug up a few trinkets with ND hitting a silver locket, a rhinestone heart and some dewies that look a lot like gold! Had himself a good day also finding 22 coins and his first ever religious medal. Imagine the &quot:beerbuddy:ig Guy was smiling down upon on him at that moment!

After we had finished looting the area I counted my coins.....49 so ND pipes up...Grab your machine and go get number 50! Less than 2 minutes later quota was in the pocket at $3.91 along with the dinky that looked like it had driven through the rough part of town.

That evening while checking the fence line I had a deep thought.
Work. The curse of the not ready not able to retire baby boomer class.

03-04-2010, 04:10 PM
Good little hunt Leslie. The scenery is as good as the hunting lol You won't get rich doing it, but it sure feels good. (Not working that is rofl) I often wonder how many more finds I would have if I could detect 7 days a week. Not to mention the health benifits of that much walking and swinging. The rich don't know how well they have it. ;) But it still looks COLD up there :yes:

03-04-2010, 07:32 PM
Great story and photos as usual Les! I love seeing your finds and hearing about your adventures :)