15 Attachment(s)
GW button, other colonial relics
I figured I would post today considering we are supposed to get 10-15 inches of snow and I won't be detecting for at least 1.5 weeks more than likely. Got out a week ago after school to look for a cellar hole deep in the woods. I found the site and immediatly got to work as I only had a few hours. No targets near the cellar hole, somebody hammered that area good. 8 starting picking up a few buttons away from the cellar hole when I got a very deep midtone. I dug down at least 8 inches and saw a big button in the dirt scoop. I turn it over so i can see the front and I see a chicken hawk design staring at me!! My second GW button!!!:happydance01::happydance02: Extremely extremely happy with that find and I am glad everyone else missed it. Nothing extremely notable after the GW other than an interesting looking brass star shaped object.
On Sunday I got out with my buddy Jarrod to hit a few colonial cellar holes but none of them really produced much. The last site of the day was quite dissapointing as it was extremely isolated and away from any foot traffic and not easily identified using aerials. But it was both poor and probably hit before. Oh well
Yesterday I got out for an even shorter afternoon hunt. I found a new site I'm gonna return to after the snow melts. Scored a fragment of a nice open works shoe buckle frame, a pewter button and as I was walking back to my car, I scored a half of shoe buckle frame in the barway of a stone wall. Still was happy to sneak out a hunt before the snow. Happy hunting all!