From the land of the Bluenose.....Lord love a duck it was birthday cake again. Pitfalls of your better half having a large family. This time it was Heather's birthday as she turned 26 for the second time! Of course Avery Doddle got in the picture eyeing the cake.....just waiting to dive in.

Of course cake was not enough for this bouy on the move as he licked the fly swatter after downing his cake.........sounds gud to me youz.

Later on it was time for Hunny Bunny and I to head to water as the day was getting mighty hot. Good excuse as any to head into the water.

That is when the day took a turn for the worse as the AT Pro would not stop chattering. Tried new batteries to no avail,tried to reconnect the headphones to no avail,tried the machine without headphones on land to no avail and without the coil connected to no avail. Made due with her but she was a pain in the butt and is going back to Garrett. They must think I'm hard on machines as I just got a new set of headphones from them last month!

Then Murtle starts hanging around and was looking at me with either love in his eyes or thinking I'm his next meal. Anyway limped over to Marie ,grabbed the potato chips and flung a few Murtle's way till the life guard told me to stop! Murtle was well fed by then so I felt safe to continue my swish part of the dig.

Quota was had and we headed home without least till Marie told me Heather and Cathy were coming for supper. Put on my galley slave outfit!