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Thread: How About An Epi-Hunter Sit-Rep?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Longhair's Avatar
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    How About An Epi-Hunter Sit-Rep?

    After hearing of Angie's year end calamity, and given the tough winter that we're all enduring (stupid cold, tons of snow, frozen/burst pipes, etc...), I often wonder how she and her daughter are doing on getting squared away with new living accommodations.
    Just moving in weather like this would be tough enough, but it's easier if you have a place to move to.

    So what's the latest boss?
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  2. #2
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    I think she was spotted in the French Riviera ...........
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  3. #3
    Owner/Administrator Epi-hunter's Avatar
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    Ha - I wish I was in the French Riviera!

    Thanks for asking. I am moved back in my house, and now dealing with all the stuff that still needs to be done (ie, they forgot to fix the phone lines so now they have to tear back into the walls). I have no furniture, everything I own is boxed up in a spare bedroom, I can't find anything, and I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor. But other than that it's all good.

    What is really funny, in sort of a sick way is that there was a fire in the Residence Inn that I stayed in while they were fixing my house. On the same day the pipes burst in the rooms above me and it leaked down through the ceiling all over my meager belongings. The pipes froze in my rooms for a couple of days too. And later that night, a pipe burst in the main area of the lobby and there was four inches of water all over the first floor.

    After that, the staff (who knew why I was there in the first place) started thinking that I was jinxed and gave me a wide berth in the hallways.
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  4. #4
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    If you ever come to Mass, we need to know where you are staying so we can grant you that same "berth" Maybe a 25 mile radius should do it.
    Finding relics is in my blood

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  5. #5
    Administrator del's Avatar
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    Angie that is the worst luck i've seen in some time , I really hope it changes for the better very soon . You and your family are still in my prayers and thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by coinnut View Post
    If you ever come to Mass, we need to know where you are staying so we can grant you that same "berth" Maybe a 25 mile radius should do it.
    I thought she was staying at your place on her visit out here George
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  6. #6
    Elite Member coinnut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by del View Post
    I thought she was staying at your place on her visit out here George
    Not my place !!!!!! I can't afford the repair bills ............
    Finding relics is in my blood

    GPX 5000, CTX 3030, E Trac, Vista Gold

  7. #7
    Oh My Gosh!!! Your luck has got to change now! I'm glad you and loved ones are okay.
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  8. #8
    well for your sake i hope you get all your bad luck out of your system that way when you start the new year digging it will be all good luck anyway i want to wish you the best in this time sounds like you can roll with the punches i have no doubt that you will come out fine dennis

  9. #9
    Veteran Member
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    Epi I know the feeling, maybe not as severe as what you are going through but somewhat similar. I'm married with two girls and the beginning years were sometimes very tough financially. We did without a lot of the time and felt that a dark cloud was always following us. Well we found out that was true. We were finally able to take our first big family trip and went to Williamsburg Va. for a weeks stay. Well the second day there, that dark cloud turned out to be a hurricane, the eye of the storm went right over us.
    Well here we are with two young girls, no power, no place to eat, no nothing. Well now that time has past and we look back on that time we have realized something from that experience. That we took care of each other and made the best of what we had. This made us a stronger and closer family then before this all happened and this bond still continues to this day.
    I only hope the best for you and your family!! I will continue to pray for you all.. God Bless!!!


  10. #10
    Junior Member Longhair's Avatar
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    I've not had the same level of bad luck that you've had Angie, but I can commiserate to an extent.

    I heat primarily with wood. I have propane to run my water heater and stove, but try to only use the furnace as a backup. With the brutal cold that we've had I've gotten used to it getting pretty chilly inside overnight, so the sub-zero night that the kitchen door blew open while I was sleeping went unnoticed a bit too long. I wound up with the pipes freezing and bursting under the sink, which was bad enough, but it's a second floor kitchen. Downstairs I had drywall and insulation falling from the ceiling, soaked carpeting, etc... No fun!

    On top of that, we've had tons of snow. So much that many are running out of places to put it all. It's been so cold that the battery in my loader tractor froze solid. I now keep it in the house, and only take it out to dig my way to the road, then bring it back in. The amount of snow has also made it nearly impossible to get into the woods to cut more wood. It started snowing again last night and it hasn't stopped.

    I have two 100gal stock tanks to water my horses. One is inside the barn and one is outside. The outside tank is now a 100gal ice cube, and the inside tank is about half capacity because of ice.

    Winter is a slow time of year for me business-wise normally. I have to go to my client's barns to work, and between the snow and the cold I've had to postpone more work this year than I have in 20yrs, making the already tight budget even tighter. could always be worse. Neither the dog, horses, or I have had any health/medical emergencies, so I'll remain optimistic that we'll come out of it all okay.

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you're finally back in your house, and getting things sorted out so some normality will return in time. In another few months we'll all be back out swinging, and this will all just be a memory of hard times that we've survived.
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  11. #11
    Elite Member
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    Angie, I hope that all the bad is behind you..and that the rest of the year is prosperous for you and your family!
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