I adopted both of my daughters from Russia. As a result, I tried to learn some Russian and took some classes both before and after adopting. Last Saturday I was out detecting in an old park. When I was leaving I noticed someone else with a detector so I decided to go say hello. He sounded Russian from his accent so I asked and he was. The rest of our conversation was mostly in Russian. He had found 2 Indians and large cent at that point and I had found a half reale, seated half dime, Barber dime and a couple of Indians. It was a good day for both of us. Adopting is great gift and metal detecting is a great hobby. You just never know who you'll run in to.

Unrelated to my story, 27 years ago I found an ID bracelet in a local school yard. I showed it to someone who knew the man named on the bracelet. It was the same town. He had lost it 50 years earlier and had tears in his eyes when I got to return it. He told me it was a gift from his mother who had passed on 20 years earlier. He might have felt great about getting that bracelet back, but not nearly as good as I felt returning it. It is certainly more blessed to give than receive.