I find it best to switch between mapping tools. Sometimes I can see the stone walls in the bird's eye that I can't in the satellite view. Sometimes I can't see the cellars in the bird's eye, but can in the Satellite due to the time of year the image was taken. Some have street view, some don't.

I have noticed a lot of errors in Google. Sometimes it's best for me to use my GIS mapping that I found. It seems to color the parks green, like google, but I'd trust the assessor more accurately. I've showed on here once about how the google parcel indicator lines (altho not always present in each town) are correct to the shape of the old map road lines. The only thing is that they are offset by a tad. I think it has something to do with the 1934 aerials coming from a plane, and you can see the points where the images meet. Google map has some sort of algorithm to adjust to the Earth's curvature while the 2D image does not. My GIS tool, tho, shows the roads that no longer exist. Well, I got three GIS tools depending on the area to hunt. But Imma look more into private spots after the luck I been having in comparison to the cellars I been finding.