Welcome to the forum Moose! Since I'm one of those Illinois door-knockers I'll add my 2 cents to the discussion. Door knocking is all about selling yourself, not the detector. I probably get about 90% or more yesses when I ask. It wasn't always that easy though. It's like anything else, the more you practice, the better you get. Some days I am off my game and can't get a yes to save my life. Other days, I am on fire and my confidence is high. I have found it's a lot easier to get yesses if there are two of you versus just by yourself. I'm not sure why but folks seem to be more receptive when I say "My buddy and I." Maybe because they feel you're less likely to be a creeper? IDK. For me the most important thing when asking is to never break eye contact with the home owner. This implies sincerity. Best wishes and HH, Dave.