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Thread: Last Week, Yesterday

  1. #1

    Last Week, Yesterday

    Got in a hunt yesterday and one the week before. I guess the KG2 is 1752, or 1757?
    Wondering about that brass screw. I was going to discard it when John from Vermont said he found a similar one and it might be colonial. This brings me back to my oxknob question...were the colonials using nicely made screws like this? John said screws have been around since the Greeks. Thanks!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member fyrffytr1's Avatar
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    southwset Georgia
    Nice finds. Does the screw have a hole in the head from the side? If so, it might be to a drawer handle.
    My wife does all the driving, I just hold the steering wheel!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by fyrffytr1 View Post
    Nice finds. Does the screw have a hole in the head from the side? If so, it might be to a drawer handle.
    You know, it does! ...and John also said it might be a drawer handle. Thanks! So colonials COULD make that screw?
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  4. #4
    Elite Member The Rebel's Avatar
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    Very nice Drew! I also agree that that screw is for a drawer pull.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nice finds! Thanks for showing us.
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  6. #6
    Hmmm not sure about the drawer pull Drew. How long is that screw ? Drawer fronts weren't very thick.
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