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Thread: Any Deer Hunters here?

  1. #1
    Senior Member fyrffytr1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    southwset Georgia

    Any Deer Hunters here?

    I thought you might like to see a few deer from the National Forrest in North Georgia. My son sent these to me. One of them even came down off the bank and started toward his vehicle but my son's dog barked and the deer just turned and went into the woods. No hunting allowed!
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    My wife does all the driving, I just hold the steering wheel!

  2. #2
    Elite Member Bucknut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    SE Michigan
    Ah very nice! It is my understanding that the urban areas in and around Atlanta that have dense cover are loaded with BIG deer. The Kudzoo (I know I mispelled that one) is a favorite food source and is prolific down there. I used to watch a YouTube channel that basically only hunted in these fancy Atlanta suburbs and the deer that they saw were amazing.
    Detectors I use: Minelab Equinox 900 & Manticore
    Favorite finds I have made:
    1,000+ silver coins
    104pcs of 1700's Trade Era Silver
    Copper Culture Indian Artifacts
    125+ War of 1812 Era buttons and relics
    My wife
    (probably should have started with that one)

  3. #3
    I don't know much about deer but I'm in the woods almost everyday and I can tell you five bucks in the same pic would NEVER happen in New England. Although I did see five bucks once at a Stop and Shop parking lot which I quickly pocketed.
    I've never seen TWO male deer!
    Maybe that's a place where they get to congregate without human interference.
    On Instagram- oxshoedrew

  4. #4
    Nice! They all appear still to be in velvet. A buddy of mine in GA says the bow season starts Sunday! It just seems odd going out deer hunting with the temps still getting into the 90s. I've never seen 5 bucks together......not even at a Stop & Shop ! I did see 7 bucks at a farm once....Cumberland Farms......on the pavement at pump #2.
    Oldest find: 5,000 year old copper spearhead
    Oldest coin: 1699 William III halfpenny
    Purdiest coin: 1832 Capped Bust quarter
    Coolest find: USA button with blue threads still on shank

    "He who would search for pearls must dive below."

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