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Thread: Old rope thimble?

  1. #1

    Old rope thimble?

    Hello everyone I’m very new at forums and metal detecting! My son and I fool around behind my house which was once a civil war calvary camp ground. With that being said I’m sure this is some scrap I’ve dug up but I’m trying to identify it, I’ve found similar objects as rope thimbles for boating online but is odd because there are no nearby bayous. The object is either brass or bronze and heavy iron staples were found beneath this. Any ideas?

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  2. #2
    Hi Thib! Welcome to the forum!

    It sure looks like a rope thimble. I wonder if they were sometimes used in horse harnesses somehow?
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  3. #3
    Thanks for the response and the welcome! I was considering that as well maybe it was part of a harness for a mule to plow? Who knows.. I’ve found so many things I have no idea what they are but this was the strangest/coolest to me

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  4. #4
    Hi, Thib! I bet that sounded great under the coil! What kind of detector? Looks like you have some historic property, even if this item turns out to be from a 1970s Chris Craft you'll have more opportunities.
    Welcome to the hobby and the group!
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  5. #5
    Haha! Agreed! I think it’s just the basic bounty hunter.. nothing special. It was for my son but I’m starting to wonder who enjoys it more

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  6. #6
    Elite Member Digger_O'Dell's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    near Milwaukee Wi.
    Hello Thib and welcome to the forum!

    Yes, that's a rope or cable thimble. Used anywhere they have premade lifting cables (or ropes), often having a lifting hook attached with a threaded clevis at the end. Shown is a modern example of a cable sling.

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  7. #7
    Awesome thank you for the response

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